Friday, August 31

My insperation.

A little something I have been working on at work. It's my second one the first one ended up a little on the chubby side and a little messy too. When I make a copy of my drawings they always look messier than the picture itself.

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Wednesday, August 29

Friday, August 24

Terry Fator the best ventriloquist ever!

This guy is unbelievable he won this years America's got Talent 2007.
Never new anyone that could do so many different voices let alone sing like that.
He is awsome!

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Sunday, August 19

Have you ever had a post that won't go away?

I had a post with the name The Big Kite. It didn't work very well so I have been trying to delete it and it's gone from my edit page but it would not delete from my blog so I replaced it with this post. Has that ever happened to any one else?

Wednesday, August 8

Aiden's bath at the lake.

As you can see he loves his bath!

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Grandpa was teaching him to splash but I think it just comes naturally

Sunday, August 5

Aiden at Woodlake,

Feeding the fish

Grandma and Aiden fishing, well feeding the fish.
That bread tastes good, why does the fish get it all?

Why did I have to get out so soon???

Can't really see it but we gave him a mohawalk hair do. Just for uncle Ryan.


Walk walk...

Walk Walk Walk ....

Walk Walk Walk Walk.....

Walk walk walk walk walk..
Play with sticks,by using them as drum sticks.

Wow what a buzy day!
It's getting late and I know that Aiden isn't going to let me sleep in the morning so I will pick out some of the best shots of Aiden taken this week end, so Mom and Dad can see that he is fine and Grandma and Grandpa haven't forgoten how to take care of a baby yet!