Thursday, March 31

Have a great day. Posted by Hello

What a day.

Last night all the kids were kind of excited or something, I have never had so many of the kids wake up during the night. First Jordan was up at 3:00 am. It was his 10th birthday, so that is understandable. We had 6 extra people here two parents and two children. One that was checking out the school for possible placement here the other was her brother and an older sister. And the last one was an out reach person that teaches in the home for students that are too young to be sent here. Any way Marsha was awake 3 times excited that there may be a new student. Shane, Quinton, and Tanner were all up at least once, for water, and thought they would just stay up. But they didn't get to do that. I managed to get them all off to breakfast with out a problem.
When I got home all I could think about was going to bed, but no that was not going to happen. Alicia had a representative for Job Corp coming over and I really wanted to stay up for that. She showed up at 11:15. I'm glad that I stayed up she was able to answer some questions and was very nice. Dwight came home for lunch at noon and we all visited I know it's what Alicia really wants to do this time, it was her idea and she is getting so excited and even looking forward to going I think. So all in all it has been a good day. Of course I slept until about 8:30 that evening but it was worth it. Then I went to work tonight. Dwight asked me to flip a switch when I walked though the power house. Sounds easy enough right, well I forgot to do it, but I had made my round in record time and figured I would just walk back by going outside. I was in a hurry which you would think by now that I would know better.. But no. So I'm walking on the grass and I stepped in a pot hole and yep I twisted my lt. ankle. The last time it was my right. I put ice on it and it doesn't look to bad there is only a little swelling and it doesn't hurt to bad I can still walk on it. I will pick up a form in the morning and decide if I want to get it X-rayed. At least it will be paid for by workmen's comp. Well as I'm typing this it is starting to throb a little so I guess I better go put it up again and put some ice back on it. Quite the day huh? Just glad it's almost over.

Tuesday, March 29

Yesterday Alicia and I went to Minot to check out Job Corp again. She had a friend that needed a ride back and we decide Sunday night that we would take him and than call and see if we could talk to some one about Alicia going again. She had been accepted in July but was unable to go because of her community service that she had to finish up. When she finally finished she had no interest in going. So we just let it go. Then last week she went to see a counselor in GF and after that and a long talk with Dad on the way home, she decided that it would be a good idea to go. She found out that she knows at least 2 people from town that are there and they seem to like it and now she wants to give it a try. It makes me so happy:) If we get some up dated medical forms sent in they said it could be as next week and she could be starting. It's happening so fast, but I think that is the best way for her. So she doesn't get talked out of it by her friends, or if she thinks about it too much and chickens out. But on the way home she read the hand book and was very positive about it all. She knows that it's not going to be all fun and that she needs to stay focused and follow a lot of rules, but I think that she is coming to terms with all that. She is going to set up an appointment with Stacy, she is the GF contact person. They will go over her file, yes they still had all her information "Thank God" It took me months to gather it all together the first time. Well wow look at the time. I got to get some sleep. April I tried to post a comment on your Blog and couldn't so if your reading this That does look like a nice Townhouse. Nice big rooms. Sorry to hear about Kevin's Camaro:( I know how much it meant to him:(

Friday, March 25

This was going to be my profile picture but for some reason it will not go where it should! April Help me!!!! Posted by Hello

Happy Easter!

Well I think this is about the third time I have put that heading on my blog, hopefully I will actually get this typed up. I keep trying new things and I still haven't been able to figure out why my user stats are not changing. It's very frustrating to me. I have checked the help page and found something on possibly being turned off but I'm still not sure what to do about it. How to turn it back on. Any way tonight Dwight went to the Dairy Queen mmm mmm good. It's hard to go all winter with out that tasty ice cream. April was telling me that every in Devils Lake was talking about the Dairy Queen being open. Well Yeah! In the big town of Devils Lake it is a big deal, cuz it's been closed for so long. Any way... It's been so long since I actually type on my Blog. I should have tons of thing to say but I don't really know what to say. I rented some DVD from the internet last week and they came yesterday. I rented The Grunge,The Ring I, and Exorcist the Beginning. Yeah I like the horror movies. I don't know why. When I was little I remember when King Kong was on TV. I cried and cried cuz I was so scared. I'm talking about the original black and white one. Yeah I know what a baby. I have watched it since then and I'm thinking this is so fake how could I possibly been scared. But I guess when you are that little it doesn't take much to scare you. My brother and sisters were so mad at me when my Mom made them turn it off. Gee I wonder if they remember that?? I say brother instead of brothers cuz at the time I only had one that would have wanted to see it. The other two were either not born yet or too little to care. I'm not really sure which. You know I never know where I'm going to go when I start typing this stuff on here, but I guess that's the whole point. Just to be able to write what ever you want. But I think I am all typed out for now.

Friday, March 18

I received this as a e-mail and it is so true. I thought I would share it on my blog.

If you ever feel stupid, then just read on. If you've learned to speak fluent English, you must be a genius! This little treatise on the lovely language we share is only for the brave. Peruse
at your leisure, English lovers. Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn:

1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture.
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail
18) After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.

Quicksand works slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese?

Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? Is it an odd, or an end?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

P.S. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"?

Happy St.Patrick's Day

Well I'm back to work it seems like I have been working all week, and I actually have only had to be here for two nights. It's the week-end and I can't believe it. The week has gone by so fast! It didn't feel like it while it was happening but now that it's Friday it just doesn't feel like it should be. I was planning on writing some of the thank you cards at work tonight, but I guess I won't be doing that cuz I thought everything I Needed was in this bag that the funeral home gave us but when I looked in the bag the note book that I wrote all the names and amounts of cash and memorials was not in there. Well that's OK cuz I have the cards and I can just go through them cuz we wrote every thing in the card as we opened them. That's when I realize that there are no Thank you cards in the bag either. So since I was so well prepared I decided that I would write in my blog instead. Dwight and Alicia are going to another funeral tomorrow. An old neighbor that use to live next door. My kids spent a lot of time over there and they spent a lot of time at our house. I just couldn't go through another funeral so soon and I need to get back to work, so Dwight and Alicia are going. Sounds like my sister, Diane, is going to go too. She had planned on going to Bismarck any way, to see a horse sale. She even has a motel room booked. But her friend, Dennis that she had planed on going with had to cancel because of his job. So she is riding down with Dwight and then Dennis is going to go down on Saturday and meet up with her there. I guess it was two day sale. Next week is Easter week end already. Next week I only have to work four nights so it will be another short week. Tonight I was checking the date on a small carton of milk and it said April 2 on it. With everything that is going on I can't believe that April is only about 2 weeks away!! Still I need to come up with something for April's birthday. Humm I wonder what it should be. Still waiting for suggestions. Well this must be about enough for one night.

Saturday, March 12

Grandpa at April & Kevin's wedding. Posted by Hello

We will miss you Glenn

Well I haven't been blogging much lately. Right after I posted that picture on the 10th. Dwight called me to say that he had this feeling, that he had to go see his dad at the nursing home. Ten minutes from the time he got there his dad passed on. He was glad that he could be there with him when his time came, but I think it has been hard on all of us especially Dwight. Glenn was a warm caring man and he will be missed. Things have been going so fast. It seems like we waited and waited for this to happen knowing that it could happen at any time, and even though it is was a blessing (He had alzhiemers). When it happens it still kind of hits you... Like if only. The last time I saw him at the home he was so thin. He no longer looked like the person that we have come to love. His eyes were sunken in and he had this blank look on his face. Today Dwight and I went to see him at the funeral home. He actually looked better then that last day at the home. It's amazing what they can do with make up. He looked so peaceful. No labored breathing, no mumbling, near the end he couldn't swallow or speak. Today he looked like he was sleeping peacefully. I still got tears in my eyes but after sitting there for awhile I thought... He is in a good place now up there in heaven with his first wife Dolores. I told my daughter today when you see him just remember. That's not your grampa it's just the shell he was using while he was with us here on earth. He is up in heaven raking the clouds and keeping every thing just right. She laughed and said, Yeah that's grampa always keeping busy. Always fixing things and and keeping things just so. We well all miss you Glenn.

Thursday, March 10

You asked for it !! Sorry Dwight I did it because I could. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 8

I made it look better Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 6

Alicia Posted by Hello

Dad Posted by Hello

Mom Posted by Hello

April! Posted by Hello

Well What do you think? I think I got a little carried away with the frame. Posted by HelloWell this is me I thought I would try it. My very smart daughter did it first and so I started playing around with my print master and was totally surprized at what I could do with it. I should play with it more often. That's the first time I made a frame with that program and I didn't realize I could even do that. I free hand croped the picture and then put the background on and framed it turned out better than I thought it would

Friday, March 4

Frustrated at work part two.

Well the school nurse struck again. She comes over this morning and tries to explain how hectic her morning was yesterday, and that Marsha was suppose to go to the dentist that morning and she needed her to take her medicine before she brushes her teeth and goes to the dentist, (but wait... Now that I think about it she was still going to have breakfast before she goes to the dentist any way!?) So I'm not sure what her point was there. Complaining how she has these two student nurses to show around and then found out two more were coming and bla bla bla. She has so much on her plate. She told me she could feel my hands moving behind her and that's why she thought I was signing to Marsha behind her back. Finally she apologized kind of, She said something like I'm sorry but I thought you were signing. I should have handled it differently. I'm thinking duh no kidding. I had just cooked up some bacon for Marsha just before the nurse came, because we were having such a good morning and I said to Marsha, why don't you take your medicine before eating your bacon. Thinking I was being helpful. The nurse just looked at me and said it's my job to see that she takes her medicine. You are not responsible to do that, I will get her to take her medicine. I always do. I said I'm sorry I thought I was being helpful. Then she said that Marsha had been taking her her medicine for her earlier in the year and it was only lately that she has been refusing. Yeah, lately like the last 3 months or more. She claims that I just don't see her giving it to her. Well ok maybe she has found a way to slip it to her when I have my back turned cuz I'm usually with Marsha until she leaves to go to breakfast. Not to mention that the night person that eats with her at breakfast told me that she has to ask one of the older boys give it to her because she won't take it from the nurse. So it's OK for her to ask another student to give it to her but I can't even ask her to take it before she eats her bacon. By the way I was not going to hand it to her I was just trying to talk her into taking it from the nurse. With all that said there is yet more. After the nurse left the dorm. Nancy comes in at 7:30 to get the little kids ready and she told me this morning, that yesterday while I was still with Marsha in the bathroom, the nurse was telling her how rude I was signing behind her back and saying all these nasty things about me in front of the two student nurses. All she could think of was why is she telling me all this stuff in front of these nurses? It's so unprofessional. She said she was so mad at her that she wanted to confront her about it today. I said that's fine with me cuz I already gave her a letter telling her what I thought. Nancy also told me if it ends up going through my boss to let her know and she will stand up for me. This nurse is the only person that I butt heads with at work. I'm just happy I don't have to deal with her that much. Well it's Friday Yaaaaaaaaa!! I have two nights off and next week is a short week cuz it's spring break. Wow there is only 3 months left and school is out, that's just hard to believe. Wait that means there is only 1 month to go until Aprils birthday!!! Ohmygod !! She is getting old!! LOL
Gee I wonder what she wants for her birthday?? Suggestions anyone??

Frustrated at work

I was so upset when I left work this morning. Or would that be yesterday morning, I get so confused some times. Any way, I feel like venting. I was working with a student that can be hard to handle sometimes especially in the morning. She is special needs but she is also a teenager. Like many teenagers she prefers to sleep in some mornings well pretty much every morning and can be very uncooperative at times. Well yesterday started out that way, she wanted to sleep. I start waking the kids up at 6:30, breakfast is at 7:30. It was about 7:00 when Marsha started to get moving, I was so happy with her. She was doing what I asked her to do. We had just finished doing her hair and she was already dressed by about 7:20 and I thought this is good she will be on time for breakfast for a change. Well the school nurse came over to give meds which she does every morning and today she brought two nursing students from UND. I had just told Marsha that we should go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and as we were walking there to do that, the nurse stops Marsha and decides that she is going to introduce Marsha to these two girls. She had already introduced me so I walk past them to Marsha's room to get her stuff and walked to the bathroom, I held up the toothpaste and brush so Marsha would know that I had it and walked into the bathroom. So she is interested in only one thing. To brush her teeth. She was trying to get past these strangers to do that. The nurse stopped her and decided that this was a good time to give Marsha her medicine. The nurse stood in the door way of the bathroom and would not let Marsha through and told her she needs to take her medicine before she can go and brush her teeth. Marsha was getting mad and refused to take her medicine. This is not unusual she has not taken her medicine in the dorm for a very long time. In fact when I think about it, I can't remember ever seeing her take it in the dorm, She usually takes it over at breakfast in the dining room. Any way the nurse gives up on that idea and lets her through, but she stands in the door way in front of 3 hearing people and says, "You shouldn't sign to her behind my back when I'm trying to get her to take her medicine." I just looked at her and she walk away talking to her student nurses and said she was going to have one of them give her the medicine. I'm thinking whatever. I guess this doesn't make a lot of sense to most of you but it does help to write it out, in fact when I got home I typed up a letter to her telling her I don't appreciate being taught deaf etiquette in front of other people especially when I wasn't signing behind her back, and I have worked here more a lot more years than she has. I put it under her door tonight and she will get it in the morning. I'm sure when she comes over at 7:00 today she will be giving me the cold shoulder. Oh well it won't be the first time. Well I can't think of anything else to say. So until the next time. (The names have been changed to protect the innocent. ) Bye bye

Wednesday, March 2

Jordan says....

I am sitting here with Jordan. I asked him if he wanted to say anything on my blog and he replied yes. YOU MUST TRY THIS WWW.SONOFTHEMASK.COM THAT REALLY FUNNY FACE! BUT I SAW THE DOG IS WHITE NOW CHANGE INTO GREEN! That is what he has to say I'm sure it will be fun, Jordan is 9 years old and he knows what is fun. He is awake at 5:00 am because he has a hard time sleeping. So he comes out and keeps me company, I call him my little night owl.

Tuesday, March 1

Modern Technology

Ok so maybe this isn't the place for this but I don't think there are any rules about what you can write about and I thought this was hilarious!!

Modern Technology