Friday, January 26

Grandma's tribute to Aiden.

My grand son has inspired me to get out the old pencils and see what I can do with that cute little face. So what do you think. I thought it was one of my better portraits. But I will try a few more times and see if I can make some improvements,
For example his face is just a little wider then what it is.

I'm buying a picture painted by a turtle.

***Introducing Koopa the talented painting Turtle. ***

Starting point.

Looks like he is having fun?

I think I can even see a smile!

It's starting to take form.


Is this the coolest painting you have ever seen that was painted by a Turtle??? Look at the bright colors. I just love it!

Well as you can see. I am hoping to get a picture painted by a turtle on E-bay I know you must think I'm crazy but they are so cool. I have found that I have a eye for art and I have expensive taste so I'm hoping that the value will go up as time passes. After all paintings always go up after the artist dies and not to be morbid but how long can a turtle last any way? OK I hope I'm not offending any Turtle lovers out there I'm just saying, the value will certainly go up. I'm not holding my breath though, the paintings can be kind of pricey. I'm not prepared to spend the kind of money that they are going for. But just for fun I entered a bid and since it still has 7 days to go I really drought that it will go for what my top bid is. If it does I will be shocked! I really don't know where I would hang it, if would win it, but I not too worried about that either. I copied some pictures of the one I bid on and let me know what you think.

For now I have the highest bid, however, I have not seen very many of his pictures go for under $100.00 So I'm pretty sure I will not be the the winner on this one. Because I'm not prepared to spend that kind of money on any picture. But it would be cool to get one of these. She had written that North Dakota is the only state that has not bought one yet. I would sure like to be the first one in ND to buy one.

Check it out on E-bay "Just don't bid on mine."

Monday, January 22

So April what's Kevin doing when your not in the room?

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Sunday, January 21

Aiden @ 4weeks

Dwight and I went baby sitting today, as you can see he is putting on some weight. When he saw the Dr. on Tuesday his weight was 6 pounds and 7 Oz's. He's looking so good. We had a good day, however I think Dwight over fed him he didn't keep the last feeding down. It went all over Me and his changing table. He burped really well, so I'm thinking it was just too much for his little tummy.

Yep it's official he is the cutest little guy EVER!!!

Wednesday, January 17

My visit with April, Kevin and Aiden.

I'm not the photagapher that April is and I was using a throw away camera, but here are some of the pictures I took during my week with Aiden, April and Kevin

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Saturday, January 13

Here is our wonderful grandson

Aiden on his way home from the Hospital.

I just got home from GF. I have been staying with April and Kevin as they adjust to having a baby in the house. I thought it was wonderful, To be able to stay there and help out. I has been so nice to be able to hold him and take care of him, when ever I wanted. It was hard to leave, I miss him already! April and Kevin are great parents.

Love these blue eyes, Yes they are always open and looking around.

Daddy giving Aiden kisses.

Aiden just chilling

I know these are the same as April has on her blog, Our camera doesn't always work so I had a disposable that I took pictures of him and now I have to get them developed. It's amazing how fast they grow, He seems to be getting a little bit of a double chin the last few days. He is just the sweatiest smartest little guy I have ever seen! He already holds hes head up and looks around.
He was holding his own bottle and pacifier. He is very curious about his surroundings. He is a low maintenance baby if there is such a thing. He wakes up and gets changed, eats, burps, fills his diaper again. gets changed again, and then either goes back to sleep or just sits and looks around. OK I admit he does cry, when he gets hungry, wants a change, and some times just to confuse his mom and dad. HA HA HA Ha. April has a womb bear an when we turn that on he just stops fussing and listens and soon he goes to sleep. He loves that thing, I would recommend it for every one that has a baby. I works beautifully. I can honestly say he is the best baby ever! No I do not say that because he is grandson. He just is.

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