Tuesday, July 25

Happy Birthday Kevin!

Dwight and I were going to make a video singing Happy Birthday to you,

but our $3.00 camera has some bugs or something. The computer

doesn't want to recognize the camera.

So lucky for you I can only type it...

Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday to you ....

Happy Birthday
dearrrrr Kevinnnnn....

Happy BBirthday to YOUUUUUUUU!!!

Hope you had a great 27th. Birthday.

Love Penny & Dwight

Hope you enjoyed that... It took me almost 2 hours to get it in here, the computer is acting up.
Doug I hope you don't mind I took this from your Blog... It just looks so cool!

Saturday, July 22

Parker came for a visit today and I sat her down at the camera and we talked and she said a few words and played with the mike. Then when we stopped it Dwight says Oh we turned the mike off remember? NO I didn't remember! Well we couldn't do it over because Diane had to go but I thought I would put it on anyway so you can see how much she has grown. She is walking and talking and she has learned to sign more milk at the day care that she goes to. She kind of did it at the end but it is hard to tell. It looks like we are moving real fast but we really weren't. I guess I will have to keep trying.

Video Hosting - Upload Video - video Sharing

Here's what you can do with a $3.00 crazy dazes special.

Today was Cazy Days in DL I saw these cute little video cameras and I thought... Sure why not. Then I can post them on my blog. So enjoy.
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Thursday, July 20

Faster internet? Maybe a little?

Today the phone guys came to finish what they started last month, which was to set up our phone with new phone lines in the house. Well first they brought a new line in into the house from the pole or under ground or whatever. They put this big impressive looking box with a few lights and hung it in the basement. Then today the came to change the wires in the house they came at 3:30 and stayed until about 7:30. They downloaded some software, an adware and spyware on our computer and they found some 800 different things that were unwanted, and cleaned it up. That plus the new lines our computer is somewhat faster. Dwight didn't seem to think so but I'm finding that so far the little that I have been on it things are moving a little faster.

Today I didn't have to paint anything. I got to use the presser washer and washed a couple of walls, some benches and the sidewalk. Yeah I know not that exciting, but hey, on a hot day playing with cold water sure beats painting up high in the sun. We only have a tomorrow and then next week and the painting is finished for the year. I thought it would be nice to work for two months instead of one but it gets old after a while. The extra paycheck is nice though.

Well I told myself I was going to get to bed early tonight so I guess this is it for the night.

Tuesday, July 18

The other side of the lake.

 Posted by Picasa

Beautful calm moring.

 Posted by Picasa
Misty morning at Woodlake about 6:00 in the morning, on the 9th. Kindof cool huh? I just woke up don't know why. but it was a beautful morning. Posted by Picasa
Sunset at Woodlake weekend before last. Dwight took it. Posted by Picasa
Your Mexican Name Is...

Doña Eufemia
You Are Duck

Exotic and unusual, you are a bit of a rare bird - literally.
You're known for being soft and succulent, though at times you can be a bit greasy.

Friday, July 7

Zoey doesn't need a box.

Here is Zoey hunting a fly, it just happen to be in the lamp shade, I have a little video but I'm still trying to figure out how to do that. It is so funny. Posted by Picasa

For Jeremiah.

Just a little information