Tuesday, July 8

4th of July fun!

Who's this sneeking up on an unsuspecting victum.

OH OH Aiden and Papa are looing to get someone.

When Papa and Aiden are after you all you can do is RUN!

Aiden gets Papa's hat Now put it on the right way.

Aiden's tummy after a good hot dog supper.

Monday, July 7

More Woodlake fun.

Daddy Mommy and Aiden sitting on the dock.

Yay Daddy caught a fish, I touched it. Nice fishy Spoons fingers it all taste's the same.

sometimes the spoon goes in just right..... sometimes not so close

Comming up soon Aiden plays getya with Papa and Nana

Sunday, July 6

yaaaay we had him there again this week-end!

Chdck again later
Papa and Aiden played getsha with Nana. Aiden loves this game! Aiden screamed and laughed and screamed some more.
He even brushed his teeth with his new ducky tooth brush ol!

Yep We gave him a bath. Just like my girls would get a bath. In the sink cuz we only have a stand up shower. He really did like it he just doesn't always show it.

He was splashing every thing!

Tuesday, July 1

It was so much fun having Aiden at the Lake.

So many pictures to share.

Let's play with the water/sand toy.First you have to get some water....
Then carry it to the fun toy thingy
Nana shows me how to pour....
Then I get to pour.
Most of the time the water ended up on me but with practice I finally got some to go into the water mill.

Aiden loves the water!

More to come