Tuesday, March 27

Some one is getting older.

Happy 25th Birthday April!!

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Images for your blog

******Love Mom & Dad******

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Monday, March 26

New pictures of Aiden "Tummy Time"

Amazing! He has actually gotten cuter!! 3 months old, pictures taken by Mommy.
Just look at that strong neck.

.........................Just look at that smile.........................

Metal Detecting #1 hobby in US.

Well that's what I heard some place and just to prove it I have pictures of Alicia digging in the dirt. Well it was bound to happen some time. She caught the bug so intense in looking for her find that she didn't even know that I took her picture!

I can't blame her she found some good stuff.

Monday, March 26, 2007
Everything.......Copper ...........a tiny car.........70's Love ring
...Wow.........Volley pendent.........1935?............Groovy

Alicia dug up the ring, 1 dime, 3 pennies,& the metal
volleyball pendent it shows women playing volleyball
on the beach in bikini's with sail boats on the lake and
says"Devils Lake ND" on it. Dad is carefully supervising
the dig, and yes, that's Ryan standing in the back ground.

Friday, March 23

March 23, 2007 Aiden is 3 months old today.

I can hardly believe that Aiden is 3 months old today, In some ways the time has gone by fast and other times it seems like he should be much older like 6 months old.
When I don't see him it seems like the time just drags by. But the time I get to spend with him goes by so fast. He is starting to be more entertaining. Like he will coo which is so cute, and his smile just gets bigger, He started smiling as such a young age. Yeah I know they say that it's just gas but he cries when he has gas,and we have so many pictures with him smiling!

Happy Birthday Aiden !!!!!

April has a Birthday coming up too! I sure wish I knew what to get her? How can I top what she gave us for an early Christmas present? Well April have you started a wish list yet? Why did you steal Aidens picture and not even leave a comment? "How Rude." Well better go, it's past my bedtime.

Monday, March 19

Phone Pictures I know they aren't the best....

But he was smiling! What's a grandma to do when the camera is down stairs??

Monday, March 19, 2007

When you click on the picture it shows a bigger picture on the drop box web page and you can see the comments that I made.

He realy does smile on these.

Happy St. Patrick's Day
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2 Months 3 Weeks and 2 days old

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Visited Aiden this week end!

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Thursday, March 8

Even when he is sick he is cute.

I thought I lost all these pictures but with some determindation and a lot of patients I found them and would like to share before I loose them again, I made copies now so they are in more then one place. These were taken when he was in the hospital the day before he got out! Yay.

Friday, March 2

Grandma found a new shirt for Aiden.

I know it looks big but it should be just the right size for the lake! Can't wait to see it on him.

How adorable is that!!

Aiden at 2 months Just as cute as ever!

Saturday, January 1, 2005

Aiden's first video.

I know it's not the best video but it was done with a camera not a video camera.

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