Monday, March 26

Metal Detecting #1 hobby in US.

Well that's what I heard some place and just to prove it I have pictures of Alicia digging in the dirt. Well it was bound to happen some time. She caught the bug so intense in looking for her find that she didn't even know that I took her picture!

I can't blame her she found some good stuff.

Monday, March 26, 2007
Everything.......Copper ...........a tiny car.........70's Love ring
...Wow.........Volley pendent.........1935?............Groovy

Alicia dug up the ring, 1 dime, 3 pennies,& the metal
volleyball pendent it shows women playing volleyball
on the beach in bikini's with sail boats on the lake and
says"Devils Lake ND" on it. Dad is carefully supervising
the dig, and yes, that's Ryan standing in the back ground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW you did take pics of me I thought that you were joking. but I think that it was a lot of fun. the weather helped modivate me a lot. plus finding things that you never thought of being in the ground is cool. I think everyone should try it.