Wednesday, October 18

Wow... it's been 44 days now.

I'm so proud of my self! I have been smoke free for 44 days! I can hardly bleive it. It's been going ok so far. I have noticed lately that I seem to want to have food in my mouth more and more, and I'm going to have to fine a way to stop that. Maybe gum. I'm going to check my stop smoking information and check out the solution for that. We are in the process of planing a Baby Shower for my oldest daughter April. I just finished the Invitation this morning. I think that they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
So here it is I found a way to share it with you. What do you think? It keeps my mind off of the ciggerts. I even found some in Dwight's pickup and managed to walk away. That was hard but I told myself .... If you can go this long don't blow it now. Then I was able to walk away from them. He even had started to buy my brand. Well gottago make supper. Maybe more later.

1 comment:

April said...

very cute invites. Thanks!

Good job on not smoking this long! Keep it up! It gets easier, trust me :)