Sunday, December 31

Pictures of my beautiful grandson Aiden

Isn't this the sweetest little guy you have ever seen! He looks so content in Mommy and Daddy's arms.

Is this the most beautiful sight April and her wonderful son. My Grandson. We have gotten to look but not touch. However I hope that's about to change. April and Kevin have been able to hold him for a couple of days now. We where going to go to GF yesterday but didn't get to go because of the stupid weather, we got about 6 or 7 inches of snow yesterday as did most of ND. But we hope to fix that soon. I asked Dwight if we could go down today because the sun is shining and it looks beautiful today. However there is still a possible 2 more inches coming tonight, soooo... I guess we may go tomorrow instead. There is a possibility that Aiden might go home Tuesday. We just don't know if that is going to happen for sure yet or not. That would be great! Kevin and April have waited long enough to take care of this little bundle of joy. I can't wait until it's my turn to hold him. From what I hear things are improving every day.

Wednesday, December 27

Yayyyyy Baby Aiden is here!

We have been waiting what seems like a life time. OK maybe only a little over 9 months, but still we have been so anxious. I can't believe it took me so long to post but I was in GF I thought we would have access to a computer but with the one there you had to set up a whole new blog. I couldn't concentrate long enough to even think about it. Aiden showed up on Saturday December 23, 2006 5lbs 4ozs. 181/2 inches long and cute little curls of strawberry blonde hair. He is the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen. He had a few problems and gave us a few reasons to pray. But no one can tell the story better then his dad so check out his web page at He has some tubes coming out of various parts of his body and we are holding off on posting pictures until they remove them. I have see his beautiful little face with out all the stuff that helps him breath, and eat and he just shines. April and Kevin have not been able to hold him much (maybe for 2 seconds)but he is getting better and hopefully we will all get to have our turn, but until then mommy and daddy get the sole privilege of holding him. But that just isn't very often If he gets to stimulated then his breathing is affected and his oxygen levels go down. Some days he does well and they remove the c-pap machine (the same type of machine that is used for sleep apnea only about 10 times smaller to fit over his cute little nose)it makes sure that he gets enough oxygen and then when the nurses have to take blood or some thing that gets him excited and the next thing you know they're putting it back on. April was able to check out yesterday but Aiden will have to stay until he is a little stronger. Which we are praying that it won't take too long.

Friday, December 15

I think I fixed my comments window.

OK I wrote a comment on my last post, But I noticed that after I did that the only way you can see it is if you put your arrow over the area where the word "comment" is normally found. I think it is because of the special effects that I put on my web page, Maybe I will have to take it off again. Do you like it? Or is it just annoying? Tell me what you think.

I have some family Christmas photos to share April I was wondering if you are getting the news letters and pictures? I'm posting these in case you don't get them in the mail.

Riley Johanson

Morgan Axness

Riley and Emma Pister
Can you believe how fast they all grow, you wait and see. Don't blink or you will miss something.

Tuesday, December 12

I can't seem to get pictures and I have some good one too, I going to try one last time before I go to bed for my nap before work. April do you remember this sign?

Lost post from march.

come face to face with MS I can't believe I found this . Now all I have to do is try to get it posted.
For some reason I haven't been able to But I'm sure going to give it a try again.
I first wrote this back in March and thought I had lost it. With the changes they made lately I found this and thought I would post it again simply because not many were able to read it before it disappeared. So here it is....

I haven't been ignoring your request for me to explain my symptoms, I have been thinking about what I want to say and how I want to phrase it. I have to say that in the scope of things I have been very lucky. Multiple Sclerosis can be a devastating disease and fortunately so far I have only experienced minor problems. I have Relapsing Remitting MS which means that I can have problems that will last for days weeks or even months and slowly go away and I return to normal or close to that. My first symptom was back in the 80's some time between the birth of my two children. I was feeling an ache in my eye ball, I know it sounds funny but that's the best way to describe it. Shortly after that the center vision of my left eye be came hazy like there was a film over it. It was very scary and I went to see an Eye Dr. That same day. He check me out and told me that I had Optic Neuritis which basically means that the nerve that tells me what I am looking at, was inflamed and was sending my brain distorted vision. Well something like that any way. He put me on oral steroids which helped decrease the swelling and eventually my vision returned to normal. At that time I was told that it was nothing to worry about and that it just happens sometimes. Well it happened maybe 4 or 5 more times, the second time the doctor told me that not to worry it should go away on it's own. So when it happened the forth time I did go in and saw a different Dr. That told me that yes I should be on steroids and that if I ever had any numbness of tingling in my extremities I should see a neurologist, because it was possible that I could have MS, but not to worry unless that happened. I tried not to think of any thing like that being possible. But one day I did have some numbness in my fingers and arm up to my elbow. I was so scared. I went to see the Dr. In town who sent me to GF to see a neurologist. Of course it took a good month to get in to see him and by the time I did most of the symptoms were gone. I told him that and he just said well we will do some test to see what's going on. Well they poke me with pins and sent electrical charges though my body and it jumped and wiggled when it was suppose to and after all that he had Dwight and I go in to his office and he said, Well I'm not sure what your problem was but I can tell you that you DON'T have MS!! I was so happy and relieved at the same time. I'm not sure if Dwight even understood what he was talking about. I explained to him to the best of my knowledge at that time, what it was and he didn't even realize that was why we were there. I guess we were just happy to find out that I didn't have MS.

If only that was where my story ended all would be well in my world. But I guess it was another couple of years went by and one day I started feeling numbness in my toes on the left foot. I just kind of ignored it as long as I could, but the numbness started to slowly creep up my leg. It went all the way up to my hip. It isn't really numbness as much as a feeling that my leg was covered in cotton, I could feel touch it just didn't feel like a direct touch. I looked up different things wondering what could be happening to me because I had been told by a neurologist that I didn't have MS. I finally went to see Dr. Rayer he sent me to see another neurologist in Fargo, Dr. Garnaas, I really like her. She did a spinal tap and ordered an MRI which I later learned it was the only way to determine if you have MS. Even before the results of the MRI she told me she was sure that I had MS just by my symptoms. She also explained that the MRI had only recently been accepted as a way to diagnosis MS. It shows up on the MRI in the form of white spots on the brain. I will never forget the shock I felt! I said that that the other Dr had told me that I absolutely didn't have MS now you are telling me I do, how can that be! She explained the whole MRI thing to me. Well, I started to cry,( I cried all the way home from Fargo) how could this be happening to me. Dr. Garnaas explained to me that I had the best kind which is the Relapsing Remitting MS and not the Progressive MS which is something you can see because they are in wheel chairs, have canes or some are even bed ridden unable to do the smallest things for themselves. That is what most people think of when they hear about someone that has MS. With the progressive MS when get you get symptoms that are more sever and they very seldom get better, they usually get worse. No two people have the same symptoms, as you may have seen on the web site. It can effect any part of your body at any time and you never know when or what's going to happen to you. That is why I feel lucky. That I have the mildest form and for the most part I have returned to normal after I have had problems. Sure my legs get tired sooner then they use to, and I do suffer from depression and I take Wellbutrin as do thousands of other people that don't have MS. When my feet get hot they start to feel numb and I take off my shoes and they feel better, I can live with that. My biggest concern has been what is happening to my mind. The cognitive problems that I have. I went to a specialist that tested my memory, She explained that I the reason that I sometime use the wrong words when I'm talking about one thing, like the stove for instance but the word refrigerator will come out instead of stove I can't help it. I know I have screwed up as soon as the word comes out of my mouth. That my MS reminding me it's still with me. When I'm talking about something and I can't remember a word, or a name of someone or something, I just can't come up with the word I want to use, I know it's there lost in my head some where and I just can't find it, (she called it the tip of the tongue syndrome) that can be very frustrating for me and for people that are listening to me. But that's just the way I am now and I try to laugh it off. But it also happens to people that don't have MS so I guess that's just life. I've been told I can't blame all my health problems on MS so I try not to.

I was diagnoses in March 1998 and I began using Copaxone in March of 1999. Which is a daily injection that I give to myself, I was a LPN before I worked at the school so the needles never bothered me. I had to get help with the hip ones and depended Dwight to do them Alicia even did it a few times. How many of you would trust your spouse with a needle? He did a pretty good job I think they were more scared than I was. Later in in 2000, The drug company came out with an injector it made it a lot easier for me to do all my shots. Since I started the shots I have only had 2 serious relapses and eventually returned to normal (what ever that is). That was shortly after I started the medication. So I figure the medication is working for me. Thankfully we have insurance and it pays for 70% of it and I have applied for assistance with a program called NORD (National Organization of Rare Disorders) they pick up the rest. Without that, we would never be able to afford it. When I first started it was costing around $10,000 a year. The price frequently goes up, last year it went up 3 or 4 times, this year if it doesn't go up again it will cost $17,280.00. Yeah, that's not an MS moment, that's what it really cost. It's a $48. a day habit. It's expensive but they have tested it and they say it works. So as long as it is being paid for I will keep taking it. It takes me about a month to apply for the NORD assistance program, they want to know every thing we earn and where every penny goes, but as you can see it is worth the time. Sometimes I wonder if I should keep taking it. If I ever stopped getting the financial help it would be hard for me to see all that money going into my body, But hopefully I won't have to make that decision any time soon. Well there it is, maybe more than you wanted to know maybe not enough. But I'm tired of writhing about it. So if you got through this whole post... Wow you must be bored by now anyway.

Saturday, December 9

What to do next?

Well what can I say I have been checking out this new google blog and it's not as bad as I first suspected. As you can see I have been able to put quite a lot of crazy stuff on my blog. There are still some things that I am working on but it's been fun. I found a new location to get some of my bling. I know many of you think I go a little over board by hey I like it so if you don't stop looking. Wow! 8 days to due day. Can't Wait. Hope he's not planing on being late.

Saturday, December 2

T minus 15 days and counting....

Don't ask me what that means. I just remember it from when they are counting down a rocket lauch or something like that. Every time I look at that chart I get a chill down my back. knowing that I will soon be a Grandma. I just get a silly ass smile on my face. I can't wait, But for as fast as time seems to be going it won't be long at all!!
MySpace images Image hosted at bigoo

Now you see me now you don't!

Myspace layouts

That coment that I put at the end of my last post was becauce since I switched over to Google I can't put !!!! marks on the title of my coments. They will not post it that way. They call it an error? Oh will I can work around that.

Friday, December 1

Wow only 17 days to go. That is if April can

get... Little Aiden to come out when they predicted him to. That doesn't happen very often but who knows stranger things have happened right?? Well I'm ready to be a grandma. Heck it could happen earlier like today if he wants to, I'm ready, I can't wait.
Well, I made the mistake of changing my Blog to go through the Google thing and it's not what I expected but I am getting use to it. As you can see It took away some of my fancy decorations
I will be trying to get some of it back and it will be interesting to see if "they" will let me. Granted it is easier to make changes but I have lost control of some of the things that I was doing before. But I think I will make it work some how, if all else fails I can go back to the way it was because I saved the old template. So April you can call me any time. OK I'm just sitting here waiting to you to call me. Really I'm all ready. Well we are planing a big hoop t do for my parents they will be celebrating 60 years of marriage. WOW that's a lot of years. How they got through raising 7 kids and each other for that long is a mystery. I don't think I could make it that long. I know I would never survive that many kids. Granted we were for the most part perfect little angels (cough cough) clear throat. Quite honestly I was the only little angel in the bunch being the middle child and all. Just think tomorrow it will be only 16 days, Yeah I'm still waiting for that call. OH ya I was talking about the big bash for my folks. We are going to have the 7 adult children each make a hot dish out of what ever we want to make. I thought that it would be nice to make something with turkey dressing and gravy all mixed together. Doesn't that sound good. (Of course that is only if that beautiful bouncing boy has come to us and I am home for the big party. And he has been here long enough for him to come too.) Well lets see... Oh yeah the adult children grand children (22) will be bringing things like salads, bread, chips, fruit, or veggies with dips. I think for the most part the great grand children, there will be some where between 27 or 29 (depending on the delivery of the last two) children will only have to come and eat. I hope there will be at least one more before that day. Actually one may be here any time now and of course Aiden will be the last to show up for this for this bash. I just hope he gets to show up in to the world by then. Well I guess you could say all I think about is April and Aiden. I think this post it a testament to that. I'm at work now and I guess I better go.
April still waiting for that call....HA HA HA See ya soon.

I just want to know what google has against !!!!