Saturday, February 3

Koopa's picture sold for $155.26

Well so much for me owning that picture, How ever I have not given up I will be watching the site for more opportunities. I knew it would go for more than I could afford to pay at this time what with taxes due and other such expenses. I'm sure one day I will be the proud owner of a one of a kind Koopa painting.
Now, for that what I really wanted to do today, which is to send some more pictures of my beautiful grandson, that were take while he was visiting and grandma and Alicia were baby sitting.
It was wonderful. Enjoy the pictures....

Happy early Valentine's day.
Grandma's little sweetheart.

Grandma, Great Grandma, Aiden, and Mommy

Going for a ride
in his viberating bouncer. I think he looks confused. Kind of like what's happening to me??

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