Monday, January 14

Who knew?

On Friday it was my niece's 30th. birthday, so I'm thinking I better wash some jeans. I take a load of maybe 5-6 pairs, and start the washing machine. I go up stairs and proceed to get ready for bed, later when I thought the load would be done I go down stairs again and start to pull the jeans out of the washing machine. But the clothes are soaked, so I look at the setting and yeah they should be done. But they are far from done. So I set the machine on spin again hoping that it will get some more of the water out. A little more water came out but it didn't sound right, so I open the door and the drum is not spinning, not even moving. I know most machines stop when you open the door, but this is an old machine and you can watch it slow down to a stop when it's spinning. It makes noise like it is trying to do some thing but no movement. I try it again, and again, and again still nothing. I call Dwight at work and we start discussing how old the machine is. I said, well we bought it when we move in to the house so it must be close to 22 years old. Dwight says, yeah maybe we should just go buy a new one it might be cheaper to do that then to spend a bunch of money on some thing that old. Yeah that makes sense. He said we can go to Sears in the morning, and buy a new one, it can't cost that much. There is even a sale going on.

So before 12 noon, we head out to the local Sears store. The salesman asks can I help you? Yeah we are looking for a new washer. He shows us the big new expensive digital front loading machines. I look at Dwight and say, "We don't need one that big and I think I would prefer to have a top loading machine. So now we move to the big but less expensive top loading machines. By less expensive instead of $1,000. to $2,000. we go looking at the $800. to $700. ones. I notice one that is maybe $400. to $500. The salesman says, this one will clean better, use less soap and it's energy efficiency blah blah blah. He points to a digital one that is on sale for $699., with a drum size almost the same as the front loaders. The sales man starts talking about all the special features. Well to keep this short, we ended up buying one for $699 because it was a better deal. So we head home and shortly after that Dwight with the help of my brother Roger, brings home the shiny new machine and I have to say it holds a lot more than the old one. I hope it won't take long for me to master the chore of laundry again. And that's Saturday now on to Sunday....

Well this morning Dwight tells me he is going to fix the leaky faucet in the bathroom. It will cost maybe $2.00 tops. So he takes his shower takes a better look at the faucet and decides that we should replace the faucet. At 12:00 pm he goes to Home of Economy to buy a new one. Brings it home and starts to take out the old one. After an hour or so, he comes out and announces that he needs to take out the old vanity, because he can't reach the pipes. I said if you do that we will probably have to buy a new one. No answer, I don't think he heard me. Well a few minutes later he come out and says I'm not going to put that old one back in there, it's so rotted out. Well, what do you expect? It's been in there since we bought the house 22 years ago. I think that water from the tub has splashed over, toilet over flows and what ever. I guess the vanity just couldn't take any more. So we have a short discussion. Dwight: We are not going to find one in town today, I say well I'm thinking about going to Grand Forks later this week like on Friday... Well that's a long time with out a sink. He says you want to run there today? So here it is 4:00 and we are talking about making a run to Grand Forks. I have to work at midnight, not a lot of time to sleep but oh well. We need to have a sink in our bathroom.

So by 4:30 we are in the pickup on our way to GF. We go to Lowe's, picked out one we liked but couldn't fine a sink that we liked to go on top. So we head over to Mansards. They have a larger selection but some of them were kind of cheep looking. We find one we liked and went looking for a sink to top it off. We found two out dated ones on sale for just a little out dated, neither of us liked them and a white one. Not really what we wanted. I found one that I really liked. Then when Dwight looks at them and says, I like this one the best. I told him it's the one I like that one too, but it's the wrong size. How ever Dwight says we could look for a vanity to fit that sink. So we go back to the vanities and it won't fit the one we liked and that one didn't come in that size. Sooo... We start to look at different ones. We eventually fond what we liked that will fit the sink that we liked. By now it's almost 8:00 and the stores are getting ready to close for the day. Total cost $435.00. We went to Bugger King and ate and headed home. Sorry April we didn't have time to stop in, and I was afraid if I called you I would want to go see Aiden, but I really needed to get some sleep. The pickup is rough going home so I didn't get much sleep on the way home and it was 9:30 before we got home. I did get to sleep shortly after helping Dwight get it out out of the pickup and then vacuuming the places that got dirty from removing the old vanity. So that's our week end. Crazy don't you think? Pictures to come later.

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