Friday, April 1

Happy Birthday April

Today's blog is dedicate to my oldest daughter April, because it's her 24th. Birthday! I would just like to say to start with She was due sometime the middle of May which by the way is my birthday. Anyway she had other ideas she has always hated being late and I'm thinking that that the whole don't want to be late thing started in the womb, cuz she decided to play a little April fools joke on us and showed up on April 1st. Well I guess isn't completely her fault. I had pre-Pre-eclampsia which is dangerous situation for both mother and child. I had high blood pressure and that prevents blood and nourishment to the baby. Any way long story short. I was taken to GF and ended up having an emergency C-section. Before that I was in the hospital in Devils Lake, because I was having pains which they thought at the time was gall bladder problems. Later my Dr. Explained that he was reading up on the whole pre-eclampsia thing and found that an article on the very last page, the very last paragraph, and the very last sentence, it said that abdominal pain could be a symptom. Leave it to me to have that symptom. That day I was going to go to GF I thought I know I'll call my brother, Brad since he had not been up to see me, and tell him that I had the baby. (As an April fools joke) Well the joke was on me! Way to go April the best little April fools joke I ever had!! She was a whopping 3 lbs. 3 oz. And 18" long. Yes I know that's pretty small, but she was healthy in every other way and very feisty. We love her more than she will ever know. She has now turned into a very beautiful talented young photographer. Married to the most wonderful man in the world. (her words but he is perfect for her) April I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!! Your mom and dad couldn't be prouder!

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