I type about April quite often when I'm writing on my blog, today will be for my youngest daughter Alicia. This morning we got a call saying at she has been accepted to Job Corp and we a very excited for her. She will be able to do several things while she is there. She wants to get her high school diploma, (not just her GED) that is some thing she has always wanted. But due to some medical issues she was unable to finish high school. She has told me often that she wishes that she had, now she will get that chance. Go Alicia!!
I must admit her leaving is going to affect me more than when April left. For one thing she is my baby and I don't know maybe it's that empty nest thing that I have heard about, but I think it's more than that. I never worried about April when she went off to collage. I knew that she would be fine. She would be sharing a room with her best friend Tabby, and her boyfriend which is now her husband was already there. Add to that the fact that she knew the UND campus because she had spent some summers there for the Upward Bound program. So I just knew that she would be OK.
But back to Alicia, she has not been away from home for much more than a few night staying with friends, well there was that one week she spent at summer camp but that didn't go well because she cried almost the whole week she was gone. Now she is all grown up and I have confidence that she will adjust and grow while she is there. But I know that I will miss her so much. I don't know if I will be able to let her grow up. Well now I started this April 6. A lot has changed since I started this. Today is April 11, things have been a little crazy here. Alicia gave one of her "friends" permission to drive her car around the block. It turns out that her friend let her drunk boyfriend get behind the wheel. Yeah I know that's really stupid, anyway he must have thought he was in a 4 wheeler cus he proceeded to fly over several yards mud and right into the lake! Dwight has spent the enterer weekend cleaning and repairing that car. But I'm not going to dwell on it. Yes it was wrong for her to let some one else drive it, yes she feels terrible, and she is paying for it not just with what was left of her check which she turned over to her dad, but also she also lost the use of her car, and now she is finding out who her true friends are.
We finally got word that she will be moving to Minot to join Job Corp. She will be leaving on April 17. This is something that she is really ready to do now. She has realize that she needs to move on with her life and make something of herself.
Well I have not been a very good blogger. Today is April 17th. We returned from taking Alicia to Minot about 7:30 tonight. She already wanted to come home before she even unpacked. She has 2 roommates. Get this.... One is named April and the other one is Janelle. We thought that was kind of a freaky, coincidence. What do you think April??
I hope it's a good omen. Janelle was Alicia's best friend for at least the first 12 years of her life. They went every where together and did every thing together until Janelle moved away. I hope that it works out. April was going to show her around and introduce her to some of the other kids then go to supper. She is in the Dreamcatcher sweet. The staff and students that we met seemed very nice. The first 3 weeks are all just getting to learn the rules, (there are a lot of them!!) meeting people and exploring who she is and what she wants to do when she grows up. She is leaning towards office tec or something with computers. We also found out that to get her diploma she will be taking classes right there on JC campus, and not at the high school as we first thought. Here's to you Alicia. Hang in there, I know you can!!!
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