Wednesday, December 7

Yay Alicia is coming home!

I got a call from Alicia this morning, and she told me that she will be taking the bus home tomorrow! Yep if she gets a job by January she will be more of less done with Job Corp! They will continue to follow her and make sure she gets something that is going to work for her. She tells me that she is going to miss it. I wasn't too surprised by that, She seemed so happy there. Even when she said she hated the place and couldn't wait to get out of there and go home. Dwight told me that when he left he missed it so much and wanted to stay. I guess he was right! Things are happening so fast. I think her head is going to be spinning for a while. She was telling me that there is a new girl that just started just a couple of days ago, and Alicia wishes she could be there to help her adjust. Alicia is the only person that she will talk to. I'm pretty sure she will find someone else there to help her but Alicia is worried about her. I'm sure everything will work out. See ya soon Alicia!!

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