Thursday, April 20

I guess It is time for me to write a post...

I know I have been doing more playing around than I have posting but I think the other stuff is more fun. But now I have some thing fun to write about, In case you haven't noticed I'm going to be a grandma for the first time! I'm so excited I couldn't wait to spread the good news. I did put a few hints on my blog, but I don't think anyone realized what I was trying to say. Like the egg with the baby inside. With surprise in pink and needs no explanation under it in blue . However we had orders not to say anything until there was confirmation from the Doctor. We have the official word from the doctor now. My daughter April will have her first baby sometime on or around December 17th. yaaa! It's going to be a long wait. But it will give us all time to let the whole thing sink in. For me it's been hard to believe that my little girl is old enough to have a baby. But she did just turn 25 on April 1st. so I guess it's time to release the apron strings so to speak. Not that she hasn't become an independent women it's just that it's hard for me to see my girls grow up and go off on their own. Yeah, Alicia has been home since she came home from Job Corp but she is talking about finding an apartment now too. I think she is going to have to find a job with more hours though. Anyway life goes on. I'm sure time will pass quickly it always does.

1 comment:

April said...

Mom, I read your blog, but I guess I forgot to comment!

Thanks for the blogSpectacular in honor of the baby. How fun! Thanks a billion!

You're gonna be the best gramma EVER!