Friday, September 29

23 Days and counting!

Well It's been 23 days since I quit smoking. I have crocheted the sweater you see in the previous post, and a pair of matching booties, I finished a pair of slippers I started a long time ago, then I started to make another pair but they are not turning out very well. It's a different kind of yarn and tears easily so I can't take it apart and start over. I thought about getting another skein But I really don't like working with that kind of yarn, so I think I will just give up on them. I have done some more metal detecting, Just tonight, Found 2 pennies and a red hot wheels sports car, (Too bad it's not a real one.) There have been a couple of days I wished I had cigarettes but managed to hold out so far. Mostly because I couldn't find any but that's OK, it's for the best. I'm actually grateful that I didn't find any. There was one day that I found a 1/2 of one and managed to break it up instead of lighting it up. I was pretty proud of myself for that. It was easier than I thought it would be. I'm listening to my hypnosis tapes every day, and keeping my patch on. Been doing a lot of deep breathing exercises, and the ND quit line has been calling me about once a week.
Well Alicia started having racing heart problems again, I took her to the Drs. Office on Monday and Wednesday mornings. She saw a PA named Ginger, then on Friday we went to the emergency room and She saw Amy Cox, she is also a PA. She told us that she thinks Alicia is having panic attacks. I wasn't too surprised, I had just told Alicia on Wednesday that I thought that maybe that's was what she was having, for a couple of reasons. Both her Dad and Sister have them. The symptoms that she was having reminded me of what they have said about panic attacks. She has been under a lot of stress lately. With moving three time and starting two new jobs. She gave up the one at Leevers. She loves the one at Heartland Care. It is working out well, They have been very nice about her missing work for Dr. Appointments. She is going to be wearing a heart monitor on Monday just to rule out any possible heart problems. Then we will have to find a way to deal with the panic attacks. Well that's what's going on here. I'm getting too tired to type. Good night.

Thursday, September 28


Alicia found this web site and showed it to me, I thought it was just strange. But here it is you should try it. If you can figure out how it works let me know.
It's wild how it is always right.

Friday, September 22

Back side.

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Hood down

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Aiden's new sweater.

As you can see I have been working on my grandma skills and made my future grandson his first sweater. I know it will be too big for him to wear right away but I think after a month or two it will be just right! April do you remember my model?  Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 18

2 Weeks and still going strong!

Tomorrow will be my 2 week anniversary for not smoking. I think it's been better this time. Maybe I'm just ready. I have been crocheting instead of smoking and I have almost finished a cute little striped sweater for my future grandson! I think it will be finished tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow. I will take a picture and post it so everyone can see it. I was going to save it as a surprise for April, but she was home this weekend and I couldn't wait to show it to her.
She thought it was cute. I think I'm going to work on some booties next, I have to find a good pattern before I can start that project. I have also been out metal detecting. I wish I could say I have found some good stuff but it really hasn't been anything to brag about. That token coin that I found that said 5 cents in trade, on one side and 1407 on the other side. I talked to someone that collects coins and he said that back in the twenties and thirties store merchant's would hand them out after you bought something in their store. That way they could be sure that you would come back to their store again. Most of those tokens had the store name on it. Since the one I found had the 1407 on the back he thought maybe it came from an old lodge like the Elks or Eagles but there is no way of telling. I assume it's not worth too much or he would have said so. It's been to wet out side to do any more detecting but I talked to our neighbor and ask if I could go in her yard and she said yes. I'm excited to go over there becuse the house use to be and orphanage and it's one of the oldest homes on our block (I think). So it will be fun once the weather clears up and I can go over there. I guess it's my bed time. Hopefully I will have something more exciting to write about.

Friday, September 15

I Quit Smoking!

I guess I should put in a post. I have been keeping myself busy lately. Working which has been so easy this year it's almost a shame to even call it work. The kids have been great! Most of the time, so far any way, they have been sleeping all night. Well at least until 6:00 but by then it's time for them to get ready for the day anyway. The behaviors have been good. The year is going by so fast! I can't believe that it's already the middle of September. I had my last cigarette on Tuesday morning then went to bed for the day. I have been talking to a councilor from the ND Quit line. She is very nice and has given me ideas as what to do with my hands, Using "I messages". Like the one on my heading. Instead of saying I'm going to try to quit smoking again. I need to be more decisive and say I will quit. As funny as it sounds it has helped, I'm also using patches and and have a box of the lozengers for those extra special times, but mostly I use them when I first get up and in the afternoon I don't like to have my patch on while I take my evening nap so I keep a lozenger in my mouth until it's time for me to sleep and then when I wake up to go to work, I put on the patch. Well it has worked so far. Dwight has also given up the death sticks, Too I have not seen him smoke any and he is using the inhaler that he bought the last time we quit. It worked for him because the patches irritated his skin. Every time he put one on, when he took it off the area would be red and puffy for like two weeks and he would run out of places to put them.
Well as far as I know he has, He decided yesterday to go the lake to do some things. I hope he will be able to drive past Mission Bay market with out stopping, Hang in there Dwight! You can do it! I have been doing some metal detecting. I have been going over to my sister Diane's house. It's close to uptown and has been around for many years, I was hoping to find some good old coins, It's been interesting. I found some old ford parts. A lot of pop tops I quit digging them up after maybe 5. The thing is... The reading is very close to what a ring looks like, and I'm just a sucker for a reading like that. I did find one coin that was interesting. It was circular with a whole in the middle. On one side it says "Good for 5 cents in trade" the other side has 1407 on it. I have never seen any thing like it before and I have not had time to look it up on the internet. Our computer is acting funny again, I know we have had to remove at least 3 more Trojan viruses. It's a good thing we got this new software and we catch it before it gets too crazy.

Well I started this earlier and now it's after one so I think it will have to be good for now. I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, September 6

Practicing to be grandma and grandpa.

What'sthis? what'sthis? what'sthis? what'sthis? what'sthis. what'sthis? Well you get the picture.

When we went to Fargo last week we stopped in to see Christy, Mich and their daughter Morgan. We had a great time playing with Morgan. She is such a smiley little girl. You would think she sees us every day. Christy wanted to get a picture of us with her, because she has one her when she was the same age sitting between us. These are the pictures she took. I think it's the best one of me that I have seen in a long time.