Saturday, October 6

Famous Actor in the neighborhood?? WOW!

Hey guess who was parked in front of our house today?? I bet you could never guess. Just try I dare you. He's famous and cute and sexy. He was visiting his Aunt and Uncle across the street. We didn't even know it until he was leaving. Dwight was taking out the air conditioner and just happened to look out and see him. Then he asked me to look out and see if it was him. I walk over to where I could see him and he was walking across the street to his car which was parked in front of our house. I stood there watching him get into his car. That's when I thought I should run over there and get an autograph, or grab the camera. I couldn't find my camera fast enough and I didn't know what to put an autograph on. Maybe I should have just had him write it on my arm or something. I should call up Becky and yell at her for not calling me but then again I guess she would have to be fair and call a lot of people and I don't think that's what he would want. I wonder if anyone else in town would see him and actually believe it was really him. Well I'm pretty sure April and Alicia know who by now. Yep it was the one and only Josh Duhamel! Yep... he really is that cute!! Want to learn more about Josh? Check him out by clicking the title.

1 comment:

April said...

so very hot!