Well Saturday was my birthday, Dwight says what do you want to do?? It was going to be windy but all in all a good day, so I said let's do some metal detecting. So where do we go? We talked about it and decided that our best bet would be to go out to Dick and Marge Anderson's, farm and another one that had been abandon years ago, we had been out that way the last time and saw a couple of areas that looked interesting. Well they really weren't. Dwight found the only coin and it was a modern penny, later while he was talking to Dick I was looking around and behind one of the building I found an old white and black metal milk pitcher it was in perfect condition. I brought it out to show Dwight and Dick, He told me I could have it. Dwight mentioned it was my Birthday and Dick says there you go it will be my birthday gift to you. I thanked him and we talked some more and Dwight and I both were tired and decided to go on our way. Since we were in the area we checked out another old abandon farm that belonged to Dwight's Mother's family. That was quite a place it had so many old farm equipment just laying around in the trees it was crazy. There were a lot of old wheels, Dwight said that they raised the big work horses and that's what they used to plow the fields. We saw milk separators. ( the machine that the old farmers used to separate the milk from the fat in the milk to make butter. The stuff was all rusted and falling apart. Any way I found an old metal watering can and put that with my milk pitcher, I'm going to use them for planters. We left there and Dwight realize that we were going past the cemetery that his Mom and Dad and several other family members have been laid to rest.
So we
stoped there to see the graves and decided we will have to return with flowers and a flag for the grave. Then we headed home. I was an OK trip but as an after thought I said, we should have gone to
GF to see April, Kevin and
Aiden. Maybe next week end. When we got home Alicia had cleaned up the house for me for my birthday,
Thanks Alicia!Then Yesterday we went out to the cabin and started to do some of the much needed cleaning. We worked mostly outside, it was a beautiful day! Dwight was looking around and noticed that there was a mouse that had gotten himself stuck in the tall white garbage can. Poor thing was still alive, we have no idea as to how long he had been stuck there, but he was still moving. I told Dwight we should put some food in there and leave him for Lena,
who informed Dwight that she was going to use the cabin for a week (I don't remember when) I thought he said the week of the 27
th but later he said in two weeks, so I'm not really sure when. Dwight talked about just throwing it in the lake to see if the fish would eat him and I said gross. That would be a form a
torcher. But it would have been a little easier on the mouse to go that way rather then leaving him for Lena. I wouldn't even wish that on a poor helpless mouse. But I would love to see her face when she found him. Just before we left we set him free outside. After he dumped him out I
thought I should have gotten pictures. So I
grabbed my trusty phone and took a couple before he ran off. How's that for an exciting week end. And here is a picture of the little guy. I tried to make it bigger but it just got distorted. He was very tiny.
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