Not sure what I'm going to write about? Dwight got a flu shot yesterday and today he has the flu! Go figure. They want $20.00 this year and I think I might just skip it. Well that's exciting huh?
Oh we are working on planning Alicia's Graduation Party Yayyy. April volunteered to make up the invitations. I hope she can get them done some time this week and when Alicia comes home this week end we can get them ready to send out. I will have to get some stamps, and I think some envelops too.
This morning I tried to sew up the love seat, I think if I had the right color of thread it would look better. I think I'm going to go to Walmart in the morning, and see what they have. Any ways that's why I haven't been writing my life is just so interesting I can't decide what I should write about.
The whole school thing is working out better than I expected. Last night we had both of the " brothers" awake. Jordan started at 2:00 am and we just took turns sending him back to bed until his brother woke up at 4am and we figured if he could stay up we better make it fair and let Jordan stay up too. They are for the most part good kids, and well behaved they always say please and thank you. I just wish that they could sleep better. I think they will both sleep better tonight, well... I hope so anyway. Marissa woke up at 6:00am and she has a new makeup kit. So this morning I was putting on eye shadow,blush, and some nail polish. She was so happy. I brought Candace some shirts from home that no one is wearing and she loved them, she tried to wear a sweat shirt with another button up shirt over it. I had to tell her she would be too hot with both of them on so she took the top one off and said she would save it for tomorrow. She also has new glasses. They look very good on her, I hope she doesn't loose them. She seems to do that a lot. She wears them pretty well most of the time she just would rather not, and lays them down and forgets them. Well that's my life for today. I hope I have something better the next time.