Tuesday, November 29

Well I made it though Thanksgiving and Alicia's Party!

Just thought I would share this picture taken just out side our front door one evening.

Last week end was a very busy time for me. I managed to get our family room presentable for company. There are still boxes and photos in there but for the most part it is some place that you can walk around in again and even sit on the sofa and chairs. Yeah it was that bad before. But I'm happy to say it's looking good now all I have to do is try to keep it that way! Most of the boxes are down stairs in the two spare bedrooms opps I mean junk rooms, because that's what they are right now. Now if I can go down there and try to organize it some how so this next summer I will be able to have that much needed rummage sale, the one I have been talking about for the last 3 or 4 maybe 5 years. I have not been able to do it because the garage has been full of stuff but Dwight got all that out of there this fall and so it will be possible to have enough room now for that sale! Now all I have to do is wait for the weather to change, lets see that should be in about 7 or 8 months. I'm hoping that in July I will be able to do that. Well enough of that. I also managed to cook a 23 lb turkey the largest I have ever cooked. It turned out good. I used a cooking bag, I would recommend it to any one that need to cook one. It keeps it nice and juicy. Then we had Alicia's graduation party. I can't remember the last time we had that many people in our house at one time. It was a good turn out. (Alicia if you are reading this you have gotten a couple of new cards in the mail, and I know at least one more that will be coming. So we will have to talk about what you want to do about that.) Any way I'm glad that things are back to normal and I'm not driving myself crazy wondering how I'm going to get everything done. It feels good! I think I have rambled on long enough now, until next time.


April said...

You did a great job, mom! Thanksgiving was REALLY yummy, and Alicia's party was a blast! CHEERS! To the best mom in the world!

April said...

pretty picture btw

KSoFM said...

Those colors are amazing. It almost looks fake.