Monday, June 19

Here's to you Jeremiah Santos...

The most recent fatality for this War that they sometimes say isn't even a war. Jeremiah was a good friend of Alicia's. He came over to the house a few times. He was always well mannered and extremely polite, something you don't get to see much of these days. I first heard the news from my sister her grandson was Jeremiah's best friend. They had heard the news from Jeremiah's sister. I had honestly stopped thinking that much of "The War" It has not hit home for me until now. It's so sad that a 21 year old young man such as Jeremiah should have to die so young protecting people on the other side of the world. The Devils Lake Journal said...

According to those who knew him, 21-year-old Jeremiah Santos had planned to make the military his life the former Devils Lake student won't get that opportunity. He died last Thursday in a roadside bomb attack in Baghdad, another victim of the Iraq war. Santos was assigned to the 2nd battalion of the 8th Infantry egiment, 4th Infantry Division of Fort Hood, Texas.

It's hard to believe he is gone. I didn't realize how much it would bother me until I called Alicia to give her the news it hit her hard. I was having trouble keeping myself composed. Then I thought I would be able to not think about it that much but it bothers me that some one so young has to loose their life when they should have so much more time on this earth. When I saw this picture in the paper he looked the same and the last day I saw him. I was expecting him to look older and be in his uniform, I just started to cry and had to walk away I couldn't even finish reading it. I wasn't expecting to be so emotional. I wasn't that close to him but he was a good friend to my daughter and it makes you realize that you never know when you will take your last breath and age doesn't mean a thing.
My sympathy goes out to his family and friends. We will all miss him.


Reese Family Values said...

Go to and watch the Hannity and colmes video. It will make you sick.

Penny said...

Yeah, I think all of Devils Lake will miss Jeremiah he was a good friend and a great person to be around. I will miss him bunches
