Thursday, August 31

It's been confirmed I'm in excellent health.

Yesterday was our yearly trip to Fargo for my MS checkup. Dr. Garnaas tells me that I'm doing great and to keep doing what I'm doing. Since I started my Copaxone in 1999 I have not had any major problems. Before the appointment we had to stop at a business place so Dwight could pick up some special Oil for the school, then after my appointment, we went to the mall and checked out the tall sizes at JC Penney's. Dwight was in heaven he found two pairs of jeans and a pair of dress pants. It's been a long time since we have been able to buy him pants in a store, we have been ordering them. He ordered two pairs of jeans from Penney's in July and they have been back-ordered until some time later this month. For some reason once your waist gets to be a certain size you can only get a 30 inch inseam. Any way after that we went to look up Christie and Mitch Axness to see their new house. It's really nice. They went though a development company in Fargo. They got to pick how they wanted it and the company built it to their specifications. It's a two level four bedroom home. Christie made us some fantastic lasagna. The only problem was that we didn't get back on the road home until 6:30. So we didn't get a chance to stop in GF to see April and Kevin. :( We didn't get a chance to find that baby store either. As it was we didn't get home until 9:30. I slept maybe an hour on the road and then about an hour and a half after we got home then I went to work at 11:30 pm. The night was quiet and all went well. I think it's past my bedtime got to go. Have a good one.

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