Tomorrow will be my 2 week anniversary for not smoking. I think it's been better this time. Maybe I'm just ready. I have been crocheting instead of smoking and I have almost finished a cute little striped sweater for my future grandson! I think it will be finished tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow. I will take a picture and post it so everyone can see it. I was going to save it as a surprise for April, but she was home this weekend and I couldn't wait to show it to her.
She thought it was cute. I think I'm going to work on some booties next, I have to find a good pattern before I can start that project. I have also been out metal detecting. I wish I could say I have found some good stuff but it really hasn't been anything to brag about. That token coin that I found that said 5 cents in trade, on one side and 1407 on the other side. I talked to someone that collects coins and he said that back in the twenties and thirties store merchant's would hand them out after you bought something in their store. That way they could be sure that you would come back to their store again. Most of those tokens had the store name on it. Since the one I found had the 1407 on the back he thought maybe it came from an old lodge like the Elks or Eagles but there is no way of telling. I assume it's not worth too much or he would have said so. It's been to wet out side to do any more detecting but I talked to our neighbor and ask if I could go in her yard and she said yes. I'm excited to go over there becuse the house use to be and orphanage and it's one of the oldest homes on our block (I think). So it will be fun once the weather clears up and I can go over there. I guess it's my bed time. Hopefully I will have something more exciting to write about.
1 comment:
Way to go with the NO SMOKING for 2 weeks! Just keep it up! THink of Baby Aiden and you will never want to smoke again because I want you to be around as long enough to be a great great great great grandma!
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