Thursday, December 16

Christmas is coming...... TOO FAST!

I know, I know, I was talking earlier about Christmas and I thought I was handling it quite well. But now it's what eight days away. EEEEK!!!! I'm not ready for it to come! I guess I still have time but I really have not looked for any gifts yet except for the students that I work with. I keep asking Dwight what are we going to do and he never really says for sure. Oh we have discussed a few options but nothing is set in stone yet, nothing to wrap and put under the tree. I'm thinking that when we go to GF next week we will make some discussions then. Which is good, only because there isn't a lot of room under our tree this year. Our cat Zoey enjoys sitting under it. She knocks off a bulb now and then but for now she just likes to sit under it and glaze outside. She is an indoor cat and I think it makes her feel like she is outside. Dwight let her go outside Sunday mourning while he was waiting for the news paper, but with the snow and all she came running in shortly after. We keep her inside because over the years we have found out the hard way that kitties don't last long outside in our neighborhood, and we wanted to keep this one for a while. Even though she is not one to play and for the most part just sits around eats and sleeps. But she has her cute moments too, like when she is laying on the floor and roles on her back curls up her front and back paws and looks at you with her head cocked upside down. It just makes you want to sit on the floor and pet her. Like she really wants you to do just that. She looks sooo cute that way. But as soon as you sit down beside her she gets up and walks away. I guess we won't be trade her off just yet. She hates to be left alone, but at the same time doesn't like to be touched that much. How do I know this? If she thinks she is all alone she cries until she can find someone. If it's during the day and I'm sleeping she is always in my bedroom with me. If I'm in one room she looks around until she knows where I am.

As far as work goes it's been a good week, all the kids are on their best behavior. They must be excited about Santa coming and want to make the nice list, or they are just out to make a good impression. For whatever reason it makes me happy. I'm sure they are doing better in school with the extra sleep too.

I had written down some things that I would like to write about sometime. One of those things is teenagers, I just have one question. Why is eighteen no longer a teenager???? I have never understood that one. Oh I know when I turned 18 and was called an adult it was cool, at the time. But wait a minute, I'm 50 now, a half a century old and now I don't see where it's such a good thing any more. They really don't get a lot of benefits by becoming and adult. Sure you can vote now and go to war. You can be arrested and go to trial as an adult and end up in an adult prison, but wait they can decide to do that in court any way if you do something bad enough. Oh yeah, now you can go see R-rated movies. ( Like no one got to do that before they were 18. ) No I don't think it's because my baby just turned 18) ... Well maybe. I just don't want her to grow up, or maybe she is trying to and I'm not letting her. Or am I letting her and I don't like the choices that she is making. Maybe all of the above. I can't decide what it is. I just wish both of my children were still little. It's like one day you are saying NO! NO! And they just listened and they knew that you knew best, and suddenly they are off on their own. Married or just being an 18 year old and wanting to do what they want to do. Don't get me wrong I am very proud of both of my girls. They make good choices, most of the time. I just feel like I should have more to say about some things. OK I'm not making a lot of sense now. I can't change the way things are. I guess I just have to accept them. Well I think I am saying too much it's time for me to wake up kids.

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