Wednesday, August 17

Back to work ): Summer is over.

Today was my first day back to work. It was a workshop kind of day, sitting around listening to other people talk about what happened over the summer. Dr. Sanstead was there he talked about how our staff will have to work together to keep things going. Tomorrow and Friday we will be spending most of our time getting ready for the kids to come on Sunday. We don't have a lot to do I think I will be spending time on a computer creating door tags so we will know who is sleeping where. Any way if we can't find any work to do we can go home, as temptingf as that is I will most likely stay for the money. We are getting two more kids. One is younger I think 4 and she will only be coming half days and will not be in the dorm. The other one I didn't catch what her age was but she will be in the girls dorm with me. I think some one said she was about 11 or some where around there. It's a good thing we are getting new kids. There was talk about moving all the students to the Blackhurst dorm where I work and maybe dropping one night watch. After the talk Karen my coworker talked it over and we both decided that if that happened neither one of us would wand to stay alone with that many kids to watch. That would mean 24 kids ages 7-21 in the same building boys on one side and girls on the other. With both brothers that will stay up all night. Hummm let me think....No I pretty sure I would not want that responsibility. Anyone that would do that would have to be crazy. If you were busy with a sick student and couldn't be watching the other students what's to stop the older boys and girls from getting together. Then who's fault would that be???? I'm guessing that if they (the new administration) stop and listen to our reasons they would either have to keep us both in that dorm or find someone that didn't know the whole picture and agree to take our place and I don't see them lasting too long. Oh sure it would be fine in a perfect world where kids go to sleep and sleep all night and no one gets sick. But that just isn't what happens. We also found out that we will not have any sleepers this year. Those were people that lived in the dorm and if we had a fire drill they would help get the kids out of the building. Have you ever tried to wake up a profoundly deaf person up they can't hear the alarm (which by the way is quite deafening) and flashing lights that go off don't even faze them. Some of these students will not budge when it goes off. Maybe one can be picked up and carried out but the others well you get the picture. Anyway I guess time will tell. They seem to be reasonable people and catch on quickly so I'm hoping that is not going to happen that way. The two new administrators do not have experience working with deaf and I hope they will be willing to listen to the ones that have been working at the school for years. I guess I feel better getting that off my chest. Thanks for "listening" so to speak.

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