Monday, December 31

What the heck is happening??

Well I have tried twice to put some pictures on my Blog. But for some reason they are going to My son-in law's blog because he was the last one to be lodged on, the first time I was surprised, but I logged him off and signed on to mine and tried again and guess what, they went on his again. So I clicked on to the edit pencil and was going to take them off but it was making me sign on and I have no idea what his password is, Kevin you will have to do the honers. I'm afraid to post them again, in case they go on his again. So if you want to see them go to I'll try to straighten them out in the morning. It's pass my bed time. I'm afraid that Aiden is not going to sleep tonight. We put him to bed at 8:00 and he woke up when Grandpa went to bed, and now we (Alicia and myself ) are taking turns trying to get him back to sleep again. Good night I hope?

Saturday, December 29

Aiden at Grandma's and Grandpa's

Aiden enjoying his horsey and cowboy hat.

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Introducing Rowdy the squirrel

April and her friend Tab went into the Antique Mall here in town and found this stuffed squirrel and named it Rowdy, he is going to be their new travel companion. Kevin will be taking him on a trip to Sandi ago and take pictures of him in various places. Should be interesting, keep an eye on rowdy at Aprils blog... to see how many places this squirrel gets to see. I started him out at our house and he was keeping busy playing with Aiden's new cowboy hat and rocking horse.

Wednesday, December 26

Hey it's time for Christmas pictures.

April opening her last gift, from Kevin.

Kevin what are you hiding under the towel??

This is grandma paying attention to Aiden while April opens her gift from Santa Kevin. What's this a cake mix and Strawberry cheese cake?

This is April in shock after seeing what Kevin gave her for Christmas.

The shock disappears. A Blissfully happy April.

Close up of Aprils Christmas gift. Beautiful. One happy wife/Mommy. Thanks Kevin for putting that smile on her face. It's priceless.

You know if you would have given me a heads up I could have gotten it all on video. HA HA HA!

Hey how do you get this thing out of the box?

Playing with new Christmas toys, in my new play area, thanks Mommy I love it. Daddy the guitar is awesome!

Aiden looking cute.

Tuesday, December 25

Some of my favorite Birthday pictures.

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Eating cake action.

Aiden's 1st Birthday!!

Grandpa's chair...
Then Mommy and Auntie Alicia's chair....
Now it's my chair!!
Thanks Albert and Grandma!

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Sunday, December 2

One more time.
Check it out I found a catty elf.

Thursday, November 29

My family just got elved.

I just couldn't resist, this is hilarious, lucky for you Kevin I could only make 4 elves at a time, but maybe I'll do another one some time.

Saturday, November 24

Friday, November 23

Aiden's new dance.

It took a while but here it is this movie was taken with my camera so no sound. When I can get the name of the song I will put it on so you can hear it too.

Sunday, November 18

What's uppp??

Well to begen with I still am having trouble talking, sometimes I can manage a whole word and of course most of the time I get only one or half of a word. About the time I think I'm feeling better. I stayed home all week end and I find it a little more stimulated her at work which is funny because all I 'm doing is sitting and watching the TV or on the computer. Today I made a health decision. I'm going to call around and try to find out what the difference would be if I had my sleep study here in town or in Grand Forks , I'm getting so frustrated going over our medical bill, We received the BC/BS form for my MRI and it really shocked me, we have to play over $1,004.07. know today I was going over some of the letters that where sent to me regarding BC/BS. Since it's some big honcho at Altru that decides whether or not our BC&BS should pay full benefits, out of not for work done in a different network like Meritcare and I see that my sleep study and it says that that too will done through our out net work charges. Since we have pretty much paid all of our deductible for our EPO (Altru). which is some thing like $1,000-$1200 but I guess it's not the same for "going out of network", they now want us to start over and we will have to pay something like$ ? $400 in deductables and the Who knows what the sleep study will cost?? I think I will call my doctor and ask exatally what are they (Meritcare) going to do for me that it is aultru can't, maybe if she sent in that infromation Altru would reconsider, The same for my MRI I understand why a portable machine would be inferior to their top naught state of the art machince that is at Meritcare. Any way I think I will cansel my November 23 appointment and see what I can do to lower the price, I'm even thinking about changing my Dr. Who I have been seeing since 1998, and was diagnoised with MS. I really hate to change but maybe will get a chance to acctually save some miney for a rainy day. We used up all of our Medical Spending acct I beleive in August. That's 6,000 dollors all to medication, dental, (that over 1000.00 for me and I have no more in my acct. alone and I have more work that needs to be done and Dr. Herman says he wants it done before the end of the year, Eye Dr. (which either Dwight or myself benifited from this year), Welll this must be getting old fro all you bloggers out there. Lets talk about some thing less stress full.

Guess what I finally fixed on our computer????? I can now put pictures and vedio's on my computer from my camera. Well if I could find a way to put them on my blog will be the next big job. I attempted to down load these movies by using Blogger and I have put three on by using drop shots and this one is still not done processing, I guess that means dropshots wins. Because I have a lot of video's, I finally have my phone tools working!!!!!! I have been working on that for over a month! Thank You! this is me awaiting an applause .............. OK maybe a pat on the back......aww come on at least post a comment!!! Sorry but drop box has changed Oh excuse me, I mean they have improved it to make it easier. Yeah right. I haven't been able to use it since. There is a blog that asks for comments and a few like it better, I'm guessing it's the ones that didn't use it before because I think there is more that think what they did is making it difficult to use, myself included. That's why ypu havent't seen any more new posts.

I'm at work and half asleep so if this doesn't make sence.... Too bad for you

Tuesday, November 13

This is Morgan does the dress remind you of anything?

Wouldn't that have made a cute flower girl's dress for your wedding?

Friday, November 9

Aidens first steps filmed by Grandma

I have no idea if this will work or not. You may have to click on to the address to see what I have here. It's my Alltel blog, that will be used to show some of the photos and videos that I take with my phone.

Thursday, November 8

I have been home, sick all week. :-(

I have been trying to ignore a tooth that has been bothering me off and on for a while and I finally decided to call the dentist last week to get it checked out. He put me on antibiotics hoping that it would help settle it down a little and I set up an appointment to check it out further. I have also noticed that I was getting a nasty cough, so I thought this is good, the medication he put me on for my tooth will also help my cough, which is usually caused by my sinuses. But by Monday I realized that it was more then sinuses, because when I coughed my chest was so tight and the cough was leaving an awful taste in my mouth. Anyway I saw the dentist on Tuesday and he told me that I have 2 teeth that are going to need some attention soon. :(Root canal and crown.): However, since I have already used up all my dental insurance for this year, we talked about how I could hold off and do one tooth now and hold off on the other one some time in January. When I will have Insurance money to help pay for it. We also talked about my chest cold or what ever this is (pneumonia or bronchitis) and I told him I was going to call my Dr. and try to get a stronger antibiotic for that. He told me that if I do get something stronger to stop the stuff that he started and switch to what ever the doctor puts me on. Well I called the doctor and asked for a Z-pack. I started it on Tuesday and I thought that I would have noticed an improvement by now but, I haven't seen much improvement. I really wanted to go to Grand Forks this coming weekend to see Aiden. Now I'm starting to think I'm not going to be able to go. (I would hate to give him this bug) It makes me sad because I really wanted to see him. April tells me he has gotten his first tooth and he prefers walking over crawling. It's going to be so different watching him walk all over, and getting in to just about every thing. Wait a minute! I almost forgot I have Sunday off this week too. Maybe I will feel better by Sunday or Monday and still be able to run down there. Even if it's only for one day. I hope so. :) I still haven't been able to get my phone to work with the computer. But I will keep trying! If anyone reading this knows how to fix a computer error that pops up while try to get a Razr V3a ( a stands for Alltel) to work with a computer but shows a error message that says, Telephony interface cannot successfully start. Please let me let me know how to fix it, you can just put it in as a comment. Thanks

Tuesday, October 30

Happy Halloween!! Again.

OK these aren't from this last week end but I haven't shared them yet.
Hey Grandma catch!

Come on I won't climb the stairs.

I Promise.
What? ah no I haven't seen Grandma's keys.

This last week end we got to see Aiden he stayed with us Friday ( Alicia was with him) Sat. and just a little time on Sunday. Then he went with his other grandparents, I wish he could have stayed with us longer but just to be fair they got him Sunday, Monday and took him back to

GF on Tuesday. He is doing so well, we played ball, a lot of peek a boo, and patty cake, he even did a little walking for us. I can't wait for the next visit to see what else he has learned.

I called Meritcare and asked about my sleep study and they said I wouldn't have to pay for the one I took on the 26th. Because of the fire alarms and all. So I set up another date, November 23. I know it's the day after Thanksgiving, but I figured that since school will be out on the 21, it would give me time to be in a half way normal sleep pattern if that's possible, before I have to go in for the study. I haven't heard or made any plans of Thanksgiving yet. (hint hint ;). Since we will need to be in Fargo by 9:30 pm on Friday, and I'm guessing that April will be working Thanksgiving day, since she had this wonderful 5 day vacation. Maybe we could go out for Chinese of something?

I still haven't been able to get pictures off my phone and I have some good 15 second video's That I want to share so bad. I did however manage to get a couple of pics on my camera. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 24

Help me I'm so frustrated!!

I have the cutest movie of Aiden taking some of his first steps and I can't get it off my phone. I bought a usb cable and software however in my excitement of receiving the cable and software with no instructions on the software I plugged in my phone and then tried to install the software and when I bought up the installation instructions the first thing I read is DO NOT attach the phone to the computer until you have installed the software!! Well it's too late now I already did that so what happens now? I get an error message that says "Telephony interface cannot successfully start." What does that mean exactly?? I means that I'm screwed! Well that explains why I haven't been blogging I am goggling the error message so that I can fix things I have tried many different thing and so far nothing has worked. I will not stop trying though. In fact I am going to go surfing again, wish me luck!!

Saturday, October 6

Famous Actor in the neighborhood?? WOW!

Hey guess who was parked in front of our house today?? I bet you could never guess. Just try I dare you. He's famous and cute and sexy. He was visiting his Aunt and Uncle across the street. We didn't even know it until he was leaving. Dwight was taking out the air conditioner and just happened to look out and see him. Then he asked me to look out and see if it was him. I walk over to where I could see him and he was walking across the street to his car which was parked in front of our house. I stood there watching him get into his car. That's when I thought I should run over there and get an autograph, or grab the camera. I couldn't find my camera fast enough and I didn't know what to put an autograph on. Maybe I should have just had him write it on my arm or something. I should call up Becky and yell at her for not calling me but then again I guess she would have to be fair and call a lot of people and I don't think that's what he would want. I wonder if anyone else in town would see him and actually believe it was really him. Well I'm pretty sure April and Alicia know who by now. Yep it was the one and only Josh Duhamel! Yep... he really is that cute!! Want to learn more about Josh? Check him out by clicking the title.

Monday, October 1

A few more fun video's

Did I tell you I was tired?

FYI I have found with the blogger video you need to click the play button twice.

MMM good food, Hey wait a minute...

was that a bottle I saw?

My favorite pictures from the weekend.

But Grandma me so tired.

Hey Grandma I'm getting sleepy

Look ma no hands! He actually took a step towards Grandpa and the camera.

Sorry it's the only angle I could get of him crawling. But it's the cutest little butt.

Saturday, September 29

Odd Fellows home was a dud, built in 1924 :(

Yeah what a disappointment, Friday I went over there about 4pm, after I woke up. I started out on the west side of the building, and worked my way to the front. I guess I wasn't to surprised that I didn't find any thing on the side of the building just because I don't think there was a lot of activity around the building itself. But I had hoped that as I went down the beside the sidewalk I would at least find some wheaties or maybe a mercury dime. But no I mostly found a lot of metal junk that I don't really know what it was. Maybe broken engine parts. There was also a lot of chopped up pop cans and bottle caps. As I got closer to the 2nd street side walk I found that Dwight had shown up and was working the verm in the back of the building. (which I always thought was the front) I told him if he found any nickles they were mine, some of my milk money that I dropped on my way to school. LOL We did actually find about 5 nickles which was funny cuz we usually don't find many of them. We also found a few pennies all newer and I found a 1965 quarter which I thought would have been silver but Dwight told me that they stoped making the silver ones in 1963.
So since there was still a large area that we had not hit yet, and after doing some much needed cleaning at home, and Dwight taking a run to the lake to get the boat, cut down a few small trees in the back of our house. Around 3:00pm today we decided to go over there again. Still expecting to find some old coins. Dwight worked around the front and I kind of went a little closer to the building and besides the junk that I dug up the only thing I found was one penny but is was so messed up that I couldn't even find the date. Thinking that Dwight would walk over and show me a handful of coins, he just gave me the sign for 0 and ask if I had had enough. What could I say I had nothing. So we headed home about 6:15. Yes it was a disappointment but the more I thought about it there really wasn't a lot activity there. I was just kind of a place for older people to retire, and I never saw many people walking around the place. One of the first things you should look for when picking a place to metal detect is some place where there has been a lot of people gathering. That just wasn't true about the Odd Fellow Home. So old doesn't necessarily mean it's a good place to find old coins or jewelry. Well it's getting kind of late and this old lady needs her beauty sleep. Good night.

Wednesday, September 26

Road trip to Clyde,Calio and Calvin.

Yeah, I know what your thinking, where in ND are these (Ghost) towns. Well they are all north of Devils Lake, a little over 40 miles and only about 15 miles from the Canadian boarder. Clyde is the town that I spent the first year of my life, Where my Grandma and Grandpa Morris lived and my Great grandma Clopper lived alone until she turned 97. Granddad and Grandmother Hammond lived on a farm about 3 miles from Clyde. The same farmstead that and later my Uncle Roy and Aunt Violet lived, with their 7 children. In fact most of my aunts, uncles and cousins lived on farms in that area for at least the first half of their lives. Clyde now has maybe 10 people living there. We saw about 4 or 5 houses that actually have people living in them. The people that live in a trailer behind the bar, which is closed, is a relative on my Dad's side, Shotenbower (spelling?) he came over to where we were, and told us that the man that owned the property was in Minn. and we chatted about all our relatives it was nice, he knew them all. My Mom told me that at one time my uncle Dennis owned most of the town, but doesn't know who owns it now. The Church and the school have been gone for several years. So why would we travel about 50 miles to see this place?? I guess be cause we are looking for good areas to go metal detecting. What did we find in these old towns? Mostly abandoned houses and believe it or not mostly clad coins. (Clad is metal detectors lingo for newer coins.) Most of the older homes are abandon, so the grass was too over grown that it would have been very hard to swing the metal detector there, and the old school and church even though they were no longer standing was also a swamp. We stayed mostly on the property that my Grandma and Grandpa, and my Mom live, mostly because the grass was cut. There I found 2-1981 pennies and one of each 1974, 1976 and two that were unreadable. But I also found a small spoon that looked like one from a child's toy set, and a broken cap gun. Not much I know but it was fun for me to go back in time so to speak to people, and see what's left of the town I once called home. Sad too, most of the places that I remembered have been moved or just no longer there. Any way I forgot my camera and there really wasn't much to take pictures of in Clyde. I did get some pictures with my camera phone of a couple of old schools in the other two towns, sorry they aren't that good because hey it's only a camera phone. School in Calio is being renovated by some hunters from Minn. So it looks to be in fairly good shape, but they still have a long ways to go.
And this very poor conditioned school in Calvin. Dated 1914.

Guess what Dad told me last night that we now have permission to detect around the Odd fellows home. That big brick place that is across the street from Priare Veiw school. Wow this is an old post card. I'm guessing it was when it was first built.