Alicia went to see the doctor today. This rash is making us both crazy. Her because it itches all the time. Me because we can't figure out what is causing it. It looked worse when she first got home, and I had her take a oatmeal bath. No we didn't just pour oatmeal in the water, it's a special packet that you pour into the bath water and it's suppose to help itching, I guess it did for a while but later she was scratching again. Any way she was given some medication for it to apply topically and some pills that is suppose to help too. We also talked about getting her an apt. To see a allergy specialist. We had an appointment. Before we even left town. She will be seeing a Dr. McCormick (I don't know if I spelled that right) in Minot June 8th. I thought it would be a lot harder to get an appointment. I heard that they were hard to get into. But I'm hoping he can tell us what's going on. Anyway we picked up one of her friends from JC and took her back with us.
The drive was uneventful other than the fact that we saw a lot of road kill on the way. You know how there are all these deer crossing signs? Well from what I saw I think there needs to be raccoon and skunk crossing signs because I saw a lot more of those then deer. In the total 4 hours that I was on the road we only saw 1 dead deer. But I stopped counting the raccoon and and some time after 6 or 7. Any way the signs must be working for the deer so when are they going to put up the skunk and raccoon signs???
Well the road kill wasn't the most exciting thing that happened. I wish is was.. But no. We were maybe 1 mile from the center and we had to take a detour. As I was slowing down for the car in front of me (because there was a yield sign) and a lot of traffic coming bang a big white pick up truck hit us in the rear. Out comes this kid he looked like he was maybe 12 or 13, later found out he was 16, anyway he comes out of his truck and says I'm so sorry I was trying to pick some thing up off my floor and didn't see that we were stopping. Like that's going to make every thing OK. Any way we call the police and they said there was already one in that area. We looked around and sure enough there was a patrol car kiddy corner from us. So we sat and waited for him to finish what ever he was doing. He came out of a house and went over to a car. He stood there for some time and look like he wrote the guy a ticket. It took maybe 30 minutes. Then he
turned his car around in the middle of the street, and turned towards us. Were thinking good it's about time. All this time cars were driving around us because the streets there are narrow and we didn't think we could move them. Any way he drives right past us and we are thinking ok he has to turn around again so he can park on the right side of the road. We waited and waited and he never came and never came. We called again and told them that we were still waiting and they said there was an emergency and we should just sit there and wait some more.
So we waited maybe an hour all together and Alicia says call them again. I told her no they will come. She asked me again and I said you call. She did and they were not happy they said some one was coming. It was maybe another 10 minutes and finally one show up. It wasn't the same one but it took about 10 minutes in the patrol car (because it was raining) and finally we were done. We drove over to the center and both girls had to have every thing they were bringing back searched. Alicia had more today then she brought the first time she came. The guy just laughed and said, "First home visit?" It was so true. As she was unpacking and her RA said why don't you go get something to eat, she also invited me to stay and eat. It was about 5:45 when we finished and I told Alicia I wanted to head home because of the rain. So off I went, I was I got disoriented for a short time and call Dwight but he wasn't home so I left him a message and I took out the map (after all I'm an independent women and I can fix this myself.) I soon realized my mistake, turned around and was on my way. I called Dwight and left him another message saying that I was heading east on highway 2 and would be home in a couple of hours. So that was my day, I hope I didn't bore anyone too much. It's bed time and I have to work tomorrow painting at the school. Good night.
Tuesday, May 31
Friday, May 27
Alicia is home!!
Yes Alicia is home. Zoey was excited to see her. Dad noticed a van in the drive way and I said "Zoey licia home!" and walked over to the door and Zoey came running and jumped up on her little table in front of the window and just stared out the window. When she saw it was Alicia she jumped in the open window and just waited for her to come in. Alicia scooped her up in her arms and hugged her until Zoey decided OK that's enough touching for now and jumped down. But as Alicia walked through the house, Zoey was always close behind her. Yes I guess you could say that she missed her. We all missed her I'm glad she is home for a visit!
Alicia thank you for the comment I'm glad you are going to stick it out. I heard a new Shania Twain song and thought of you, I was wondering if you heard it yet, I Ain't No Quitter or something like that. I thought you might like. I was going to save this draft and find out how to spell her name right and it won't save the darn thing. I can use the recover post to bring it back I'm glad if figured that much out. But why can't I save it??
Well you can hear it at It's her web site and I found the CD that she has it recorded on.
Alicia thank you for the comment I'm glad you are going to stick it out. I heard a new Shania Twain song and thought of you, I was wondering if you heard it yet, I Ain't No Quitter or something like that. I thought you might like. I was going to save this draft and find out how to spell her name right and it won't save the darn thing. I can use the recover post to bring it back I'm glad if figured that much out. But why can't I save it??
Well you can hear it at It's her web site and I found the CD that she has it recorded on.
Yahoo My last night for the school year!
I have about 4 hours left of this night shift stuff then it's back to normal living for 2 1/2 months. It makes me so happy that if I didn't think I would kill myself trying I would do cartwheels! But instead I decided to write in my blogg.
Sometime today Alicia is comings home. I think sometime after 4:00 She is getting a ride with Pie's mom. I talked to her on the phone today and she told me that she has been sick and wants to see a Dr. While she is home. I called the Clinic and got her in to see Jodi Melander @ 9:00 on the 31. She was suppose to go back on the 30th. But I'm going to call and get her an day pass for that day so she can go back after her appointment. When I told her that she made a comment that she may not go back. I sure hope that's not her plan, I know that this has been very tough on her but I thought she was handling it. I'm hoping that I'm wrong and that she will be able to pull herself together and go back. I sure as hell don't know what she will do if she doesn't. One thing I do know is that she will not be going back to the same routine of sleeping all day then wake up just in time to get ready for work, then go out burning up gas until all hours of the night and morning. I couldn't handle that again, and we could not afford all that gas. She also wants to get more clothes we have bought a lot so far and she says that they all shrunk. I can't afford to keep buying her new clothes every time she washes what she has. Gee do I sound frustrated. Yeah I guess I am. I was looking forward to a less stressful summer this year. But I'm not so sure that's going to happen now.
Last night I was checking out the make over America web page and there is this page that has a test that you can take at (You can copy and paste this site) and it will tell you what kind of an eater you are. I found out that I'm and emotional eater, I guess that didn't really surprise me. I hope that my Michael Thurman 6 week make over stuff comes tomorrow I'm anxious to get started. Well until next time...
Sometime today Alicia is comings home. I think sometime after 4:00 She is getting a ride with Pie's mom. I talked to her on the phone today and she told me that she has been sick and wants to see a Dr. While she is home. I called the Clinic and got her in to see Jodi Melander @ 9:00 on the 31. She was suppose to go back on the 30th. But I'm going to call and get her an day pass for that day so she can go back after her appointment. When I told her that she made a comment that she may not go back. I sure hope that's not her plan, I know that this has been very tough on her but I thought she was handling it. I'm hoping that I'm wrong and that she will be able to pull herself together and go back. I sure as hell don't know what she will do if she doesn't. One thing I do know is that she will not be going back to the same routine of sleeping all day then wake up just in time to get ready for work, then go out burning up gas until all hours of the night and morning. I couldn't handle that again, and we could not afford all that gas. She also wants to get more clothes we have bought a lot so far and she says that they all shrunk. I can't afford to keep buying her new clothes every time she washes what she has. Gee do I sound frustrated. Yeah I guess I am. I was looking forward to a less stressful summer this year. But I'm not so sure that's going to happen now.
Last night I was checking out the make over America web page and there is this page that has a test that you can take at (You can copy and paste this site) and it will tell you what kind of an eater you are. I found out that I'm and emotional eater, I guess that didn't really surprise me. I hope that my Michael Thurman 6 week make over stuff comes tomorrow I'm anxious to get started. Well until next time...
Tuesday, May 24
I'm an independent woman!
Well it's been awhile since I wrote a post, not that anyone would notice. I guess I'm still paranoid that I might type for like an hour and end up with nothing to show for it. I have mostly posted pictures and kept my posts short. Well today I will try for a longer post maybe things have worked themselves out.
Things at home are fine I broke down and sent for Michael Therman's 30 day make over.
Ok maybe it's a waste of money but if you don't try you will never find out right.
I'm just so sick of this body since I put on the extra 30 pounds when I quit smoking and now I'm back to smoking and the weight just seems to stick around. I'm hoping with this program it will give me the tools I need to do something about my weight. I know that a lot of my walking problems are coming from the extra pounds I have been carrying around. Anyway to any one out there that knows my husband Dwight please don't tell him. I was going to tell him that it was a birthday present to myself because he didn't get me one from him, but now I can't say that because when I woke up this afternoon the lamp that I wanted was sitting on the dining room table. So now I don't have an excuse to buy myself a gift. Well maybe I don't need an excuse... Yeah that's it... why should I need an excuse after all like my daughter April always says "I'm an independent women" and I can do what ever I want, right? Or maybe I will wait until it shows up on the front door step. Then tell him. But wait... sometimes I think he reads my blog. I guess one way or another he will find out. It will be interesting to see how he finds out. Well enough about that. I think I will go for now this is longer than I thought it would be. Hey April I miss reading your Blogs I hope you can get to a computer soon!!
Things at home are fine I broke down and sent for Michael Therman's 30 day make over.
Ok maybe it's a waste of money but if you don't try you will never find out right.
I'm just so sick of this body since I put on the extra 30 pounds when I quit smoking and now I'm back to smoking and the weight just seems to stick around. I'm hoping with this program it will give me the tools I need to do something about my weight. I know that a lot of my walking problems are coming from the extra pounds I have been carrying around. Anyway to any one out there that knows my husband Dwight please don't tell him. I was going to tell him that it was a birthday present to myself because he didn't get me one from him, but now I can't say that because when I woke up this afternoon the lamp that I wanted was sitting on the dining room table. So now I don't have an excuse to buy myself a gift. Well maybe I don't need an excuse... Yeah that's it... why should I need an excuse after all like my daughter April always says "I'm an independent women" and I can do what ever I want, right? Or maybe I will wait until it shows up on the front door step. Then tell him. But wait... sometimes I think he reads my blog. I guess one way or another he will find out. It will be interesting to see how he finds out. Well enough about that. I think I will go for now this is longer than I thought it would be. Hey April I miss reading your Blogs I hope you can get to a computer soon!!
Wednesday, May 18
April & Kevin are getting moved in to their new apartment. It's starting to look like a home dispite the fact that they have a ton of things to do before they will be settled in. They are so excited to have all their stuff in one place.
Last night I wrote 3 post and they could not be saved and I lost them so tonight I will make it short it seems the short ones are the only ones that work. I can't help but wonder if it is some thing that is going on with the other blogs or if I changed something and messed up. I even tried to use control d, and that didn't work either. Hope it's working better tonight.
Last night I wrote 3 post and they could not be saved and I lost them so tonight I will make it short it seems the short ones are the only ones that work. I can't help but wonder if it is some thing that is going on with the other blogs or if I changed something and messed up. I even tried to use control d, and that didn't work either. Hope it's working better tonight.
Trista had a girl!
Well with my luck this post isn't going to work, but I'm going to try any way. This morning at 12:58 am Trista had her little girl. Sorry I don't have all the facts only that she missed my birthday by 58 minutes. Oh well at least she is healthy. Will tell you more when I hear it.

Trista is in labor
Something is so wrong I have typed up 3 posts and when I saved them they vanaished with out a trace this is a test. If it goes through I just want to say...Trista is in labor I'm so excited I had to pass that on and I will find out when it happens and inform April and Alicia with the facts.
Friday, May 13
Tuesday, May 10
Nice but quiet Mother's Day.
Mother's day was quiet, I got to see April on Friday, and Alicia on Saturday, (April I didn't realize that you were going to head for home on Saturday) this was the first time in 3 weeks that we had seen Alicia so I'm sorry that we didn't get to see you much while you were home, but as you said soon we will be seeing you more often when you move back. Dwight and I went to the 313 for lunch to day complements of April. It was delish! We both had the fried Turkey, it was very good. I got to have a Free piece of wonderful cheese cake with chocolate drizzled over it and some strawberry slices on the side. Yummy! We were sitting there and it was a lot noisier than usual. Just sitting there talking and Dwight started to get another anxiety attack. Could not think of any reason why. There just is no certain time when they will hit. It is so weird. At first he had them when he needed to get up in front of people, but now that doesn't seem to mater any more. They have hit him when he was at work, sitting at home, driving in a car with me, or by him self, sitting in Church for weddings and funerals. The last time he saw Dr. Jim I told Dwight to tell him what's been going on. He did and Dr. Jim gave him some pills to try. I had put some in my purse in case he needed them. He was afraid they would make him tired as do many medications. Well this stuff was no exception. As soon as we got home the pills kicked in and he had do take a nap. We just don't know what to do with him. I think he gets anxity just wondering when it will happen again.
Work has been going great, The kids have been sleeping and getting up in the morning with out too much trouble. They have a formal prom on Friday. Every one seems to be on their best behavior! May be that is why. Any High School or Middle school students can go. Little Chantel has been waking up dry and going to the bathroom right away when she gets up. She is one of the youngest students here. It's been a great mounth so far.... And we only have 13 more school days left!!!!
Work has been going great, The kids have been sleeping and getting up in the morning with out too much trouble. They have a formal prom on Friday. Every one seems to be on their best behavior! May be that is why. Any High School or Middle school students can go. Little Chantel has been waking up dry and going to the bathroom right away when she gets up. She is one of the youngest students here. It's been a great mounth so far.... And we only have 13 more school days left!!!!
Saturday, May 7
Went to visit Alicia and Ryan in Job Corp.
Since Alicia couldn't come home this weekend Dwight and I went to Minot to visit her. She is in good spirits and is doing great. She told us that they were going to fast track her and Ryan.
What that means is that she will start working on her diploma right away and then the next week she will work on her trade, then go back and work on her diploma again. She has decided to go for Medical Office tech. I think that's what she called it. (Alicia if you read this I'm sorry I can't remember all the abbreviations and terms that you were using to describe the many different things there). They are both still green card, but I believe that will change on Monday which will be her third week. First we went out to breakfast. After that we went shopping for clothes that she can wear when she is working. Which wouldn't normally be a hard thing but Alicia has her own idea of what she likes to wear and JC has their own interpretation as to what work clother should look like. They definitely have different ideas and we finally came to a compromise. I explained to Alicia that when she is buying work clothes think of them as that, like her McDonald uniform. It's not some thing that she liked but she wore it because it was part of the job. After that we found several shirts that will work for her. We were tired and needed a break from shopping. It was raining and it limited what we could do. Naturally they weren't ready to go back, so we decided to go looking at boats, pontoons, jet skis and cars. Not that we are planning on buying all those things but it was something to do. We took them back to campus about 5:00. Dwight and I headed home, tired and with empty pockets. To my surprise April had bought me a beautiful miniature rose plant. I can't wait to put it outside. It has about 4 blossoms and several buds coming in. In the very nice card she gave me she also put a gift certificate to the 313, so Dwight can take me there for mother's day tomorrow. Thanks April, that was very thoughtful. We weren't home more than 20 minutes and Dwight was sleeping in the recliner. I sat down on the computer and checked my e-mail and then started to write this. But that's all I have for the day. I would like to wish all the mothers out there a
Happy Mothers Day!!! I can here thunder outside now and I think I will go watch it. It's the first one of the season for DL.
What that means is that she will start working on her diploma right away and then the next week she will work on her trade, then go back and work on her diploma again. She has decided to go for Medical Office tech. I think that's what she called it. (Alicia if you read this I'm sorry I can't remember all the abbreviations and terms that you were using to describe the many different things there). They are both still green card, but I believe that will change on Monday which will be her third week. First we went out to breakfast. After that we went shopping for clothes that she can wear when she is working. Which wouldn't normally be a hard thing but Alicia has her own idea of what she likes to wear and JC has their own interpretation as to what work clother should look like. They definitely have different ideas and we finally came to a compromise. I explained to Alicia that when she is buying work clothes think of them as that, like her McDonald uniform. It's not some thing that she liked but she wore it because it was part of the job. After that we found several shirts that will work for her. We were tired and needed a break from shopping. It was raining and it limited what we could do. Naturally they weren't ready to go back, so we decided to go looking at boats, pontoons, jet skis and cars. Not that we are planning on buying all those things but it was something to do. We took them back to campus about 5:00. Dwight and I headed home, tired and with empty pockets. To my surprise April had bought me a beautiful miniature rose plant. I can't wait to put it outside. It has about 4 blossoms and several buds coming in. In the very nice card she gave me she also put a gift certificate to the 313, so Dwight can take me there for mother's day tomorrow. Thanks April, that was very thoughtful. We weren't home more than 20 minutes and Dwight was sleeping in the recliner. I sat down on the computer and checked my e-mail and then started to write this. But that's all I have for the day. I would like to wish all the mothers out there a
Happy Mothers Day!!! I can here thunder outside now and I think I will go watch it. It's the first one of the season for DL.
Monday, May 2
Life has it's ups and downs.
I talked to the nurse at Job Corp, Alicia has hives. What from is any ones guess. Could be any thing from environmental, food or nerves. We will most likely never know. Then Alicia called to tell me that she will be coming home next week end. Then asked if Pie could come and stay at our house too. Well this is something that will need to be discussed with Dwight. But I was pretty sure what he would say and I was right. Not a good idea. I have to agree it's hard to know what to think about something like that. I mean I understand the reason she wants him to stay but at the same time we are not really set up for guests. I mean we have her room and then Aprils room down stairs, but they are set up for them, not guests. Any way when she calls again this evening she talked to her dad and when he told her it wouldn't be a good idea... She turned defensive and said well I guess I will just stay here and not come home and Dwight said... That's your decision dear what ever you want.
I started this on April 29. Wow am I neglecting my blog! Today I talked to Alicia on the phone and now she is not coming home this weekend. It seems that she flunked her UA. She said she was only 1 point away from passing. Life sucks when that happens. She had told me that she had not smoked anything since she decided to go to job Corp and I believe that's true. But she should have stayed away from people that were smoking that wacky weed. Because you don't have to inhale to get it into your system. Just be in the same small enclosed room. We had discussed this with Stacy the lady that signed her up and she had warned us that it stays in your system for a very long time. The test was done on her first Monday there. She can still have a day pass and now she wants me to drive down there and do some shopping. Time will tell. There is so much to do here at home, but I may go any way. Other than that she says she is learning a lot, and things are good. So I guess we will have to continue to encourage. She really wants to improve and I truly think she is giving it her best.
Dwight tells me that April is coming to DL tomorrow. I think she is going to be planning Kevin's Graduation Open House. It's so exciting that they will both be done with school and starting a new normal life, What ever that means I just hope they can find it. April my one and only suggestion to you is that you write down what YOU & Kevin want to do for this party and then tell Marie and me what you want us to do. I would be happy to help you in any way. Just let me know what it is. Oh I all most fogot. It's May Wow there are only 18 more school days left until I can get back to normal hours, I am sooooo ready for that!!
Well enough for tonight. Until the next time.
I started this on April 29. Wow am I neglecting my blog! Today I talked to Alicia on the phone and now she is not coming home this weekend. It seems that she flunked her UA. She said she was only 1 point away from passing. Life sucks when that happens. She had told me that she had not smoked anything since she decided to go to job Corp and I believe that's true. But she should have stayed away from people that were smoking that wacky weed. Because you don't have to inhale to get it into your system. Just be in the same small enclosed room. We had discussed this with Stacy the lady that signed her up and she had warned us that it stays in your system for a very long time. The test was done on her first Monday there. She can still have a day pass and now she wants me to drive down there and do some shopping. Time will tell. There is so much to do here at home, but I may go any way. Other than that she says she is learning a lot, and things are good. So I guess we will have to continue to encourage. She really wants to improve and I truly think she is giving it her best.
Dwight tells me that April is coming to DL tomorrow. I think she is going to be planning Kevin's Graduation Open House. It's so exciting that they will both be done with school and starting a new normal life, What ever that means I just hope they can find it. April my one and only suggestion to you is that you write down what YOU & Kevin want to do for this party and then tell Marie and me what you want us to do. I would be happy to help you in any way. Just let me know what it is. Oh I all most fogot. It's May Wow there are only 18 more school days left until I can get back to normal hours, I am sooooo ready for that!!
Well enough for tonight. Until the next time.
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