Yes Alicia is home. Zoey was excited to see her. Dad noticed a van in the drive way and I said "Zoey licia home!" and walked over to the door and Zoey came running and jumped up on her little table in front of the window and just stared out the window. When she saw it was Alicia she jumped in the open window and just waited for her to come in. Alicia scooped her up in her arms and hugged her until Zoey decided OK that's enough touching for now and jumped down. But as Alicia walked through the house, Zoey was always close behind her. Yes I guess you could say that she missed her. We all missed her I'm glad she is home for a visit!
Alicia thank you for the comment I'm glad you are going to stick it out. I heard a new Shania Twain song and thought of you, I was wondering if you heard it yet, I Ain't No Quitter or something like that. I thought you might like. I was going to save this draft and find out how to spell her name right and it won't save the darn thing. I can use the recover post to bring it back I'm glad if figured that much out. But why can't I save it??
Well you can hear it at It's her web site and I found the CD that she has it recorded on.
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