Saturday, May 7

Went to visit Alicia and Ryan in Job Corp.

Since Alicia couldn't come home this weekend Dwight and I went to Minot to visit her. She is in good spirits and is doing great. She told us that they were going to fast track her and Ryan.
What that means is that she will start working on her diploma right away and then the next week she will work on her trade, then go back and work on her diploma again. She has decided to go for Medical Office tech. I think that's what she called it. (Alicia if you read this I'm sorry I can't remember all the abbreviations and terms that you were using to describe the many different things there). They are both still green card, but I believe that will change on Monday which will be her third week. First we went out to breakfast. After that we went shopping for clothes that she can wear when she is working. Which wouldn't normally be a hard thing but Alicia has her own idea of what she likes to wear and JC has their own interpretation as to what work clother should look like. They definitely have different ideas and we finally came to a compromise. I explained to Alicia that when she is buying work clothes think of them as that, like her McDonald uniform. It's not some thing that she liked but she wore it because it was part of the job. After that we found several shirts that will work for her. We were tired and needed a break from shopping. It was raining and it limited what we could do. Naturally they weren't ready to go back, so we decided to go looking at boats, pontoons, jet skis and cars. Not that we are planning on buying all those things but it was something to do. We took them back to campus about 5:00. Dwight and I headed home, tired and with empty pockets. To my surprise April had bought me a beautiful miniature rose plant. I can't wait to put it outside. It has about 4 blossoms and several buds coming in. In the very nice card she gave me she also put a gift certificate to the 313, so Dwight can take me there for mother's day tomorrow. Thanks April, that was very thoughtful. We weren't home more than 20 minutes and Dwight was sleeping in the recliner. I sat down on the computer and checked my e-mail and then started to write this. But that's all I have for the day. I would like to wish all the mothers out there a
Happy Mothers Day!!! I can here thunder outside now and I think I will go watch it. It's the first one of the season for DL.


April said...

Happy Mothers Day Mom! I LOVE YOU!

I'm glad you liked the roses, and I hope you and dad have a good time eating out.

Penny said...

What I was suppose to feed dad too???? I thought it was only for me. I made him sit and watch me Actually when he got his attack he could finish all his food. But we both enjoyed what we did eat!