Monday, January 31

My Art

My daughter, April suggested that I display some of my art, thought sure why not. So here are some that I drew a few years ago. I thought about how long it had been since I sat down and tried to draw something. So I got out my sketch pad blew off the dust and I will give it another shot. Hard to say how long it will be before I am satisfied with any thing... for I am my own worse critic. Sometimes I draw from photos and sometimes I just draw whatever, which I like the best because I don't have anything to compare it with, and you can't really make mistakes that way. Well it's almost bed time and I have some phone calls to make before I can do that so good night all.

Sunday, January 30

April Posted by Hello

Happy Baby Posted by Hello

bulldog Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 26

Multiple sclerosis

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Wednesday, January 19

It's been so long.

I realize that I have been neglecting my blog but I have been busy. A week ago Monday I took a spill down our outside stairs, twisted my ankle and scraped up my knee. Well after limping around for a week I had an appointment to see a PA for blood work up and I showed her my ankle and got it x-rayed. No fractures but she thought it was a bad enough sprain and put me in an air cast, not as bad as it sounds, but threaten me with a real cast if I didn't take care of it. Meaning I was to stay off it, use crutches keep it up and ice ice ice. Well before I left I got her to agree to using a cane. (Which sucks buy is better than crutches) and I have done my best to stay off it and I use the ice at work when I think about it. It actually looks better tonight. I was going to write this last night but one of the kids here decided to wake up at 2:00 am, and never went back to sleep. So we entertained each other the rest of the night. He was nice to me gave me some artificial flowers and later told me were for his teacher. I told him he should give them to his teacher, because that is who he bought it for, then he went into his backpack and gave me a piece of saltwater taffy. He can be so sweet sometimes when he is not getting into things. Well another student was just awake, wanted water, he dose that almost every night. He drinks the water and goes back to sleep. April is home for a few days it's nice to see her even though she is out with her friends most of the time. She went to play Bingo tonight. Hope that she wins she could use the money. Well I don't have any thing else to say. Until next time.

Tuesday, January 11

Just another day.

Well today was a busy day. After work I went to see the eye Doctor. I ordered new glasses, It was the first time I picked out a pair and ordered the same day. Usually I ponder on them for a week and end up with the first pair that I chose any way, so today I just said I will take these. I was going to just get new lenses but the person I was talking to said that they were in the process of discontinuing my frames which means that if any thing happens to my frames they may not have replacement pieces. This way I have an extra pair. Something I need because I can't drive with out them and I would be up a creek with out a paddle with out them so to speak. Alicia also broke hers and I took them in for repair. She lost a lens and they are bent up a little but shouldn't be too hard to fix. When I got home I had some phone calls to make and I didn't get back to sleep until after 11:00 that's kind of late for me. I slept until 5pm which isn't too bad. Dwight cooked supper tonight. Well I actually made a suggestion that he start the oven and go down stairs and get a pizza and put it in, and he did it. Food always taste better when someone else cooks it even if it's just pizza. Tonight when I was on my way to work I was stepping down the second to the last step and my ankle twisted and down I went. I don't understand why I keep doing that lately. I'm fine. My ankle is a little puffy and stiff but I can still walk on it, my knee was scraped up, and my dignity was bruised, but I'll live. So that was my day aren't you glad you read my blogg?? April if you're reading this hope you feel better. I taped Tabs' few minutes of fame. What do you want me to do with it? Did you manage to stay up and watch it? I wish we could have seen a final shot of her with her hair cut done. Were you there when they taped it? Have you seen her new cut yet, or get any pictures? I bet it's cute. Well this is long enough for anyone that happens to read the whole boring story sorry if I bored you.

Friday, January 7

It's 4am What to do what to say???

Well it's January 7, 2005 4am. I'm sitting at work with nothing to do. The students have been so good since Christmas Vacation I just hope it will last. I forgot to bring my VCR recoroding tonight and I already made out most of our bills and sent them out yesterday. So I just need to find something to keep me intertained and keep me awake. SO I'm guessing that this blogg will be some what random off the top type rambling. So if I'm not making a lot of sence just go to the next blogg and visit them. I have done that on occation. But have found several that are not in english and I don't know any other languages. Wait that's not true, I know sign language. Which I have yet to see on any of the bloggs. Maybe when I get home, I can send send some pictures that I have and explain them to everyone. I can't do that here cuz I don't have the same pictures here and really don't know if there is any on this computer. I'm sure that there are many web sights. Want me to find some for you? Well let me see... This is a very fun page if you know ASL you can pratice finger spelling. It will even spell out any word that you want to learn. If you don't know any sign language you can learn from this page, check it out and let me know what you think. I hope that you enjoy yourselves. I think I'm going to stop writing now I want to see if I did this right.
I added a link, hopefully it will be my name finger spelled out. Cool huh? Ok sorry you have to put what ever name you want. But it's still cool.

Thursday, January 6

Life with out snoring!

Well I haven't blogged since the new year and here it is January 6th. What have I been doing? I'm back at work for one thing. The kids are great, They are all sleeping through the night. Tuesday I picked up my CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) which is the most common effective treatment for sleep apnea. In this procedure, the patient (me) wears a mask over the nose during sleep, and pressure from an air blower forces air through the nasal passages. The air pressure is adjusted so that it is just enough to prevent the throat from collapsing during sleep. Nasal CPAP prevents airway closure while in use, but apnea episodes return when CPAP is stopped or it is used improperly. ) which basically means that it is going to make sure I don't stop breathing while I'm sleeping. Oh and it also keeps me from snoring. Which I'm sure my husband will appreciate. But since I work nights he won't find out what it is like until Friday night. Hey that's only one night away. Wow time goes fast. Any way if he doesn't feel like he is sleeping with some kind of alien, I'm hoping that he will be able to sleep better knowing that I'm not going to stop breathing and of course that I'm not snoring. If you want to learn more about sleep apnea go to or
Now aren't you glad you read my blog today. You get to learn more then you thought possible reading a blog, maybe even more than you ever wanted to know about snoring and sleep apnea.
But I understand that there are a lot of people out there that have it, and don't know it. So if I help even one person out there learn more about him or herself I'm glad I shared this. I cheated a little by coping and pasting so if something doesn't read right it's because I'm working and it's 4:35 am and this old mind just isn't made to do this kind of stuff at this time of night. Why?? Cause I should be sleeping like everyone else that's why. Hope you all have a restful night bye for now.