Monday, February 28
Well here it is the last day of February
Well what I was trying to do is put my boobies names on my blogg and I did that too! The are named Silk and Satin, yea I can live with that. So now I'm just a bolgging fool cuz I'm learning all this cool computer stuff. But yes I have so much more to learn. Tonight at work it was quiet. I did have one student that sat up with me but she was not one of my regulars. She is 16 years old and while at home this weekend she watched a movie by the name of "The Grudge". I have seen previews of this movie and I thought I would like to see it. I like sifi movies, but this poor girl could not sleep for nothing. She laid on the sofa in the loundge and tried to sleep. I kept telling her to go to her bedroom and she would sleep better, but she said I'm not going in there alone. It's 5:00 am now and she decided to take a bath. There must not have been a shower scene or she would not have gone there either. She just kept telling me she can't stay in her room alone. I hope she didn't mean for the rest of the year. Well now I've done it since I sat here to type this 3 boys have awaken to ask for water. The last one is the stubborn one that likes to stay up. I guess I can be happy that he slept as long as he did. Well I better go. I have to check on Sarah and make sure she is not going to fall asleep in the tub, wow is she going to have a rough day today.
Thursday, February 24
Well Alicia saw Jodi again today, and her BP was up again so Jodi started her on some BP medicine. Maybe
this is why she is having headaches? Don't get me wrong when I say this... But I hope that's what is causing them. Why would I wish that. For one reason only. If that is what is causing them maybe this medicine will make them go away. She was told because of her heart problems there are no migraine medications that she is going to be able to take, to rid herself of these headaches. She went to work again today so I will not see her again until morning.
Tonight is my last night for work this week. So I have another 3 day week end. I can't believe that there are only 3 months left of school. Yes you read right. February is almost over and all that is left is March, April, and May. Wow! It's true what they say. "The older you get the faster time flies." It seems like the school year just started and it's actually almost over. Well not much more to say.
Wednesday, February 23
Tonight there is a full moon.
January -- Moon after Yule
February -- Snow Moon
March -- Sap Moon
April -- Grass Moon
May -- Planting Moon
June -- Honey Moon
July -- Thunder Moon
August -- Grain Moon
September -- Fruit Moon (or Harvest Moon)
October -- Hunter's Moon (or Harvest Moon)
November -- Frosty Moon
December -- Moon before Yule
Tuesday, February 22
Alicia's headaches are becoming my headaches
At home things are about the same. Friday I took Alicia to see Jodi. She is the PA that has been seeing her for her migraine headaches, she decided to try her on some migraine medication. Imitrex (Spelling?) I thought finally trying something new, this is good. Well she was suppose to go to work at 5:00 and she went in to take a shower about 4:00 and came out said that her heart was pounding. Checked her pulse Yup it was 120. OK so we read the paper that came with the medicine and it says should not take if you suffer from any heart problems. Well we thought her heart problems were under control, I guess maybe not.
I called the clinic and they said to bring her right in. They hooked her up to a monitor to see what her heart was doing. Then we sat in the room. A nurse came in checked her blood pressure and it was 85/46 with a pulse of 107. Earlier that morning it was 146/84. So then the Doctor (one that we have never seen before and I can't remember his name) came in asked her where it hurt. (she was also complaining of chest pain) He put her through a few things and said does it hurt now? As he pressed on her chest. No. Does it hurt when I do this? Her face is all contorted, Yes. What about when I do this? Yes. Then he said your pain is not from your heart. You can't take the Imitrex and since most of the migraine medications are made with the same ingredients you won't be able to take most of them. Then he left. The nurse came back in gave her some of the same medication she had when she was having heart problems before, and later gave her a shot for her headache which had not gone away. They took her BP again and it was 96/55. She asked about going to work and he said sure no reason you can't there is nothing wrong with you. Huh? Did we hear right? There is nothing wrong with her? Ahhh... OK... Whatever. Then they sent her home. She still has a headache mind you. But no Drs. Excuse this time, Ah yeah there's nothing wrong with her.
She called work and told them she wouldn't be in. They didn't like it but what can you do? One of her manager told her to see Jodi and get an excuse for Friday. Later when she called to ask about her schedule they told her she is not on the schedule but that when ever she feels like it she can come in to work. What??? Yes you read it right. They said she will not be on the schedule but that she can just show up when ever she feels like it. So I guess she still has a job at Mc Donalds but she only has to work when she feels like it. Have you ever heard of such a thing????? My guess is that they can't fire her because she has always had an excuse from the Dr. And if they don't put her on the schedule and she doesn't ever come in then they can fire her ass. Well she went into work today from 4:00 to 9:00. I didn't get a chance to talk to her yet, so I don't know how it worked out. I guess that will be on my next blogg. Oh and she has an appointment to see Jodi again tomorrow morning. So long for now.
Monday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day (:
Dwight and I went out to the Ranch with Pat and Dave, for supper Saturday evening. It was our Valentine's meal. Pat and Dave are now proud grandparents for the first time. Their oldest daughter Christy had a beautiful baby girl last week. You can see a picture of Morgan at she was 6 pounds and I think 19"
long. A real keeper. Anything over 3 lbs is, LOL right April? Christy had the same problem that I had when you were born (pre-ecalmpsia), and needed to have her by c-section. They tried to induce her first but it wasn't working. She had her in Fargo (which is where they live). So of course we got to see pictures, they were really nice. Good company and good food and good conversation. It's nice to reconnect with old friends. We use to see each other frequently before our children were born, then like Pat says we drifted apart to raise our families, now that our children are all grown up we have more time to spend with each other.
There is this cheese dip that I use to make all the time for special occasions like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays etc. Well you get the point. Well a couple of years ago Kraft stopped selling the one of the main ingredients 3 oz cans of finally grated American cheese. After years of looking I have finally found the perfect replacement for it. Can you believe it April?? I made it this weekend and it turned out just great. You will never believe what I did to make this dip. I had some boxes of cheese macaroni and used the macaroni for a hotdish so I had some of the dry cheese mixture left, I was trying to figure out what I could use it for and it hit me! Why didn't I think of it before?? It is the same thing I use to buy for the cheese dip. So I bought 3 boxes of cheese macaroni and used the cheese packets for the dip. It tasted exactly the way we remembered it. I wish I could say we saved some for you April, but it was soooooooooooo good. I will try to make it some time when you come home for a visit.
Last week was a good week at work. All the students slept. It was a first time for one of the boys. He did wake up one time two of the nights but always went back to his room after a drink of water or a trip to the bathroom. Before he would wake up anytime between 1:30 or 3:30 and not go back to sleep until the next evening. So it was great that he was able to sleep. I told him I was so proud of him and you can see it in his face that he is proud of himself too. He is such a nice kid, he just had trouble staying asleep at night and nothing seemed to help. His parents have been taking him to see a Dr. Last week they tried something new, a patch that goes on and stays on for 1 week. Not sure the name of the drug, but it appears to be working. He was out at 2:00 am tonight but after a drink of water went right back to bed. I hope it keeps working for his sake cause I'm sure he is doing better in school when he is getting more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Well enough for tonight. Wow I was quite windy today.
Wednesday, February 9
Saturday, February 5
Alicia has Migraine headaches.
We saw April for a little bit, she was working and didn't have a lot of time for us. We called her at 6:25 and offered to feed her, but Kevin was in town and he ranks much higher on her VIP list then we do. Which we fully understand. April saw the Dr. Yesterday too. She has an ear infection Hope you are feeling better soon.
Oh and by the way...
If anyone talks to Alicia and she tells you that I almost kill her and myself because of my driving in GF don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she is talking about. Ok I admit I missed 2 stop signs, but we were kinda out of town and there were no other cars in sight. I was looking for landmarks. And if she says we got lost. No we didn't get lost we just missed a turn and we were heading towards Fargo for a couple of blocks, instead of DL. Never did we not know where we were, or how to get back on track. After all that she said, she would drive and we did almost die when she was driving cuz she almost turned into the wrong lane and we almost hit a car!! Well that's all I wanted to say. I thought I would tell it like it was, before anyone got her exaggerated version. Till next time...