Well the school nurse struck again. She comes over this morning and tries to explain how hectic her morning was yesterday, and that Marsha was suppose to go to the dentist that morning and she needed her to take her medicine before she brushes her teeth and goes to the dentist, (but wait... Now that I think about it she was still going to have breakfast before she goes to the dentist any way!?) So I'm not sure what her point was there. Complaining how she has these two student nurses to show around and then found out two more were coming and bla bla bla. She has so much on her plate. She told me she could feel my hands moving behind her and that's why she thought I was signing to Marsha behind her back. Finally she apologized kind of, She said something like I'm sorry but I thought you were signing. I should have handled it differently. I'm thinking duh no kidding. I had just cooked up some bacon for Marsha just before the nurse came, because we were having such a good morning and I said to Marsha, why don't you take your medicine before eating your bacon. Thinking I was being helpful. The nurse just looked at me and said it's my job to see that she takes her medicine. You are not responsible to do that, I will get her to take her medicine. I always do. I said I'm sorry I thought I was being helpful. Then she said that Marsha had been taking her her medicine for her earlier in the year and it was only lately that she has been refusing. Yeah, lately like the last 3 months or more. She claims that I just don't see her giving it to her. Well ok maybe she has found a way to slip it to her when I have my back turned cuz I'm usually with Marsha until she leaves to go to breakfast. Not to mention that the night person that eats with her at breakfast told me that she has to ask one of the older boys give it to her because she won't take it from the nurse. So it's OK for her to ask another student to give it to her but I can't even ask her to take it before she eats her bacon. By the way I was not going to hand it to her I was just trying to talk her into taking it from the nurse. With all that said there is yet more. After the nurse left the dorm. Nancy comes in at 7:30 to get the little kids ready and she told me this morning, that yesterday while I was still with Marsha in the bathroom, the nurse was telling her how rude I was signing behind her back and saying all these nasty things about me in front of the two student nurses. All she could think of was why is she telling me all this stuff in front of these nurses? It's so unprofessional. She said she was so mad at her that she wanted to confront her about it today. I said that's fine with me cuz I already gave her a letter telling her what I thought. Nancy also told me if it ends up going through my boss to let her know and she will stand up for me. This nurse is the only person that I butt heads with at work. I'm just happy I don't have to deal with her that much. Well it's Friday Yaaaaaaaaa!! I have two nights off and next week is a short week cuz it's spring break. Wow there is only 3 months left and school is out, that's just hard to believe. Wait that means there is only 1 month to go until Aprils birthday!!! Ohmygod !! She is getting old!! LOL
Gee I wonder what she wants for her birthday?? Suggestions anyone??
1 comment:
I think you handled that situation well. I mean, geez, you've been working with Deaf students for a lONG time, I think you know that it is rude to sign behind someone's back. Besides, she should have used sign when she was chewing you out. I'm sure since those nursing students have had to deal with her everyday for a while, they'll understand how she was overreacting. You know those students better than she does and if there is a way to help, you'd know. Oh well, at least you don't have to deal with her that much right! Besides what bad things can she say about you? "Penny signed behind my back" oh please...
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