Friday, March 31

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you.....

Birthstone for April.MySpace Layouts Kinda pretty huh?

Hey It's somebody's birthday. Someone very very Special. Yep just look at the headline under my name.
April will be 25 on the 1 of April. She was our little April fools baby. In the literal sense too. She was due to come into this world on May 7. Well that just wasn't good enough for her. No Way! She has been impatient little girl from day one. It all started about one week before she was to come. I was having a lot of pain and it wasn't contractions. My Dr did not know what to think. He put me in the hospital and there I sat day after day. They checked for gall bladder problems nothing. They did blood work, nothing. They had me on bed rest because it was too early. So I laid there frequently having this pain that no one could explain. Then about the fourth day there my blood pressure went up. More concern still no answers. I mean I was doing nothing to cause that to happen. I was joking to my mom on the phone that most of the family had been up at one time or another, but my brother Brad. So I told my mom that I was going to call him up the next day (April 1) And tell him that I had a baby. HA Ha Ha good joke huh? Well the joke was on me. That morning the Dr. Came to see me and my pain was worse and my blood pressure was up to some thing like 225/190 it was way up there. The nurse came in to put an IV in me and the next thing I knew they were taking it out again and telling me that I was going to Grand Forks by ambulance. I have never even seen the inside of an ambulance! I have to say I was scared. Dwight was called and we discussed a few things like him coming in the car and would be there later.

MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts
In the ambulance I was with an OB nurse (Shirley Uthke) We were about half way there and I told her I felt a contraction. She assured me that it was false labor. OK I could live with that. But it never stopped there.
by the time I got to the hospital I was told that it looked like we would be having a baby today. Well they broke my water to get things moving. I was worried about her coming too soon. Dwight and Carol my sister showed up around 7:30pm We sat and waited, and waited, it seem to be going so slow. They had me go in for a sonogram. Then I was back in my room and there were at least 5 different doctors and interns hanging around. Around 9:00 it was noted that Aprils heart beats were getting lower then what they like to see.
So it was decided that I would have a C-section. What!!! I never saw that coming. Well by 9:30 pm April was born. I was kind of out of it. I don't think I even got to see her until the next day. WOW She was so tiny!! 3lbs 3 oz. Yep that was all she weighed. 18 inches long. Not bad for her weight. She was so beautiful. Perfect little round head, and best of all was that they told us she was perfectly normal. Had all her fingers and toes. A little bit of red hair. Me on the other hand I was all blotted fluid had built up in my body. My feet even giggled like jello when I walked it felt so weird. The next day Dr Greeves from DL was in Grand Forks for another reason and came in to see me. He said he didn't even recognize me because of all the puffiness in my face and every where else. The biggest surprise came when the Drs. Said I could go home 5 days later and April would come with me! We were no way even close to being set up for a baby. Dwight had to go home and get things ready He had to go shopping for baby clothes in the toy department. Babies and dolls are just not made the same way most of what we found didn't fit right we did find some things but she looked like we were carrying a bunch of blankets when we took her out. Even her grandma who worked in the nursery at the hospital for 20 years was afraid to pick her up. She looked so fragile but the truth was she was very wiry and learned quickly. Well I guess that's already more than April would like me to share but I thought some of her friends would enjoy the story. By the way the Dr, told me later that he was doing some research on pre-eclampscia Which is what I
had. He said in the last book that he read on the last page, the last paragraph, and last sentence it sad may cause pain in the abdominal area. That's what was throwing him off. He had never seen that symptom in a pregnancy. Well I'm tired and I'm not sure I'm making any sense any more, I hope you all enjoyed the story.myspace layout

Wednesday, March 29

Where to put your free counter.

This is a test to see if this will be large enough to read it is my first helpful hint as to where to put your html code on your template. Placing code before this will cause unwanted changes to your blog.
Yes I think this will work. If you want to enlarge the picture of my template click on it. It will then show up on another page then if you click on the small button with the arrows, it will enlarge the picture so that it is readable. This is a picture of a section of the template is at least 3/4 the way down, just scroll down with the the bar on the side, to move down to that area on your own template. For example if you want your counter under your profile, continue down the template pass this area, then look for the $BlogMemberProfile$ you may place the Html code under this code. Then preview. If it's where you want it fine. Save changes. If your counter is too large the entire sidebar will drop down under your the last post on your web page. If that happens first click the Clear edits button then if you still want to use a larger counter you can always put the counter at the end of your posts. To do that continue to scroll down your template to the end. Where it says
--end footer--place your Html code under that section. Again it is always best to preview before you save template changes because if you don't like what it's done all you have to do is click the Clear edits button. Well there you have it. Give it a try as long as you don't save changes you can always Clear edits, and your blog will go back to where it was before you changed any thing. Good Luck Let me know if you tried it.

Monday, March 27

Putting a counter on your blog

I was thinking of starting with some thing I found to be very easy and I also know a good site that I like. The do attach adds to their counters but they are harmless adds and so far I have not had any problems with it, plus there is such a large variety of counters. When you go to the site, Register and Browse through all the thousands of choices. When you have found the one you like they will ask you to copy the html code. Make sure to book mark the site and write down your user name( your email address) and password. Now for the scary part.

Go to your dashboard and click on to the change setting icon. It will take you to a page that has four choices. Click on to the one that says Template This is where all the html codes are found. It kind of looks like a foreign language with some English and a bunch of characters thrown in to confuse. But each and every one have a propose. I don't know what they all are yet, but when I do I will pass it on to you.

Where do you put that code? I have found that most of the template changes will be done in the middle of the template or below. To place your counter where mine is you must scroll down to an area where you will see ...

OK I found my first snag in doing this can not put html codes in the compose area and nothing shows up here when you put it on the html part. Well I guess this is going to take more thought.

Under Construction !

myspace layout

Under Construction !

Coming up "How to put bling on your Blog!

Guess what I'm going to do? I was checking out other Blogs and the one one thing I noticed most... is that for the most part they can be kind of Bland. It doesn't have to be. I know it's kind of scary just looking at all the codes especially if you have never had any formal training, it can be extremely overwhelming and intimidating.

Well I have been "playing" with my Blog (for lack of a better word). For a while now as you can see. I feel that there is defiantly a place in the blog world for someone to give some helpful suggestions and advice. Mind you this is not coming from someone with experience. No collage degree not even HS computer classes. Nope I have only the trial and error experience. You can be assured that I will not not give out any advice that I have not tried for myself. And I will tell you all of the things I have done, that made a mess out of my Blog. Hey no one has to take my suggestions. They are here for those of you that would l like to do things like that but didn't know where to start. The first part of my little tutorial will be to suggest some sites that will be safe, and will not cause you to get a lot of adware or spam attatched to your computer. Has been the site I use the most so far.

One thing I have learned is that it is best to publish each post, for some reason, which I have yet to figured out, if I just "save as draft" with the blue icon below. I will loose every thing I have written. Please note things written in red maybe some thing you see a lot of through out this Blog. You will not read any high tec explanations because as a said before I have no technical training. If I don't know some thing that is what I will say until I figure out what the reason is. SO, that's it for now I will be back with some thing simple for you to try later. Be sure to bookmark me and check back later if you're interested it putting some on your Blog.

Saturday, March 25


Well now that I have ranted a little, I don't know what else to write about. Oh... I know Alicia has a job!!! Yep you read that right. She is a NANNY! I was waiting for her to announce it on her Blog.... but she hasn't so, too bad Alicia I couldn't wait any longer. It's only 20-25 hours a week, but the pay will actually make it worth it. I won't disclose the amount but I think she will be making more money than she ever has. Today is her first day. She had a visitation day Sunday to see if they would "click". I think they liked her because the Mom gave her an incentive bonus to make sure she will come back, or something like that. She also told her that if things work out maybe Alicia can go on vacation with them. I think it's a good job for her because she is good with kids. They usually love her, even though she doesn't let them get away with things. I think she is going to keep looking for other options but at least now she will be getting a paycheck while she is working on it.

Well that's it for now I have to get something to eat, take my shot, and get to bed. It's been a long night.

Wednesday, March 22

Don't hold back what do you really think of my Blog?


Well now that I have ranted a little, I don't know what else to write about. Oh... I know Alicia has a job!!! Yep you read that right. She is a NANNY! I was waiting for her to announce it on her Blog.... but she hasn't so, too bad Alicia I couldn't wait any longer. It's only 20-25 hours a week, but the pay will actually make it worth it. I won't disclose the amount but I think she will be making more money than she ever has. Today is her first day. She had a visitation day Sunday to see if they would "click". I think they liked her because the Mom gave her an incentive bonus to make sure she will come back, or something like that. She also told her that if things work out maybe Alicia can go on vacation with them. I think it's a good job for her because she is good with kids. They usually love her, even though she doesn't let them get away with things. I think she is going to keep looking for other options but at least now she will be getting a paycheck while she is working on it.

Well that's it for now I have to get something to eat, take my shot, and get to bed. It's been a long night.

Sunday, March 19

OK I know what you're thinking.

You would think I would learn huh? I'm just having too much fun playing around with my Blog, I like dressing it up. But I'm learning a lot. I know how to manipulate some of these things to make them fit, and I always preview before I save the changes. So far it has worked but I was sure I knew what I was doing before too. Oh Well. Time will tell. I know one thing you have to be careful what you use, where you put it, and where you get it from. But the only way to learn is to try. Famous last words... right?

Saturday, March 18

OMG What the hell have I done now!!

Well first of all I really screwed up. I'm not sure where it started. I was so proud of all the cool things I was doing and all of a sudden every thing went crazy. I had posts that were showing up on my side bar in big bold letters. Then the posts where going all the way across the blog covering both side. So tried to fix it. Bad idea. I thought I knew what I was doing but guess what I was wrong. I lost the largest post I ever have written. It was about my Symptoms. Yup It's gone. Off into blogger space. Never to be seen again. Just like the socks that disappear in the drier. So if you didn't read it before you, you never will. Cause there is no way I'm going to type another post that large. I guess I may try to get some of my bling back. What have I got to loose? Oh yeah my sanity.

Friday, March 10

Symptoms of MS

I had someone ask me, what are the symptoms of MS? This is what I found.
Symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from person to person and from time to time in the same person. For example, one person may experience abnormal fatigue, while another might have severe vision problems. A person with MS could have loss of balance and muscle coordination making walking difficult; another person with MS could have slurred speech, tremors, stiffness, and bladder problems. While some symptoms will come and go over the course of the disease, others may be more lasting. To learn more click
this link.

Sunday, March 5

MS Awareness week March 13-17 2006

This is why I'm putting so much on blog about MS
Pass the word. If you have a blog.....BLOG-IT

About MS History of MS Research MS Action Network Professional Resource Center
Get Involved/Ways to Give MS Walk MS Bike Tour MS Challenge Walk Find Your Chapter

MS Awareness Week is a nationwide campaign that will raise awareness about multiple sclerosis and the people that it impacts.
Come face to face with a disease that affects each person in its own unique and unpredictable way. Join people across the country in the fight to end MS.

Download html buttons to put on your web site and email signatures!

Monday, March 13
Nationwide Events & Special ActivitiesUniting thousands of individuals in the fight against MS
Come face to face with MS. launches. See a preview of the site
Webcast – Six minds who are changing the face of MS research

Tuesday, March 14—MS Day of Hope
Talk to your legislators about an important legislative issue
Show your support by wearing MS identifiers
Visit—the National MS Society is featured as “Charity of the Day”

Empire State Building lit red in honor of the MS Day of Hope!

Wednesday, March 15
Hear some of the many stories of MS Webcast

Thursday, March 16
Share your experiences with MS Webcast

Friday, March 17 Webcast
To find out about MS Awareness Week events in your area, please visit your local chapter's web site.
Hear Six minds who are changing the face of MS research Hear directly from some of the best minds in MS who are speeding the way to a cure and more effective treatments. Listen to a new web cast every day during MS Awareness Week.
Speak There is power in numbers! Participate in a special MS Awareness action alert fighting for increased funding from NIH for MS research. Send an e-mail or make a free call to your legislators. We need YOU to speak out about an important issue impacting people with MS.
WearShow your support for the MS cause by wearing the MS Band of Hope, the MS Ribbon of Hope, and other MS symbols. Make sure to pass them on to others as well!
Share Tell others how important the fight against MS is to you! Download html buttons to put on your website and email signatures. Lend your stories and experiences and help build the Face of MS at See a preview of the site

Come Face To Face With MS.
Launching March 13See a preview of the site

There is no one face to multiple sclerosis. Every person who has it and every person it touches experiences MS in a different way. Become part of the face of MS. Share your story and view the stories of others. Because every story counts.

About the SocietyFounded in 1946, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society supports more MS research, offers more services for people with MS, provides more professional education programs, and furthers more MS advocacy efforts than any other MS organization in the world.
Get Involved/Ways to Give
MS Walk MS Bike Tour MS Challenge Walk
Find Your Chapter

Last updated March 2, 2006

home · find your chapter · get involved · government affairs / advocacy · press room · about the society · ibrary
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Home MS Learn Online Webcasts Spotlight Series InformaciĆ³n en espaƱol Keyboard Shortcuts Printing Tips Site Map
National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1-800-FIGHT-MS (1-800-344-4867)© 2006 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society. All rights reserved. Legal Notice / Privacy Policy

Join the cast of Scrubs Help put and end to Multiple Sclerosis.

Who gets MS?

Anyone may develop MS, but there are some patterns.
Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50.
Two-three times as many women as men have MS.
Studies indicate that genetic factors make certain individuals more susceptible than others, but there is no evidence that MS is directly inherited.
MS occurs more commonly among people with northern European ancestry, but people of African, Asian, and Hispanic backgrounds are not immune.
Approximately 400,000 Americans acknowledge having MS, and every week about 200 people are diagnosed. Worldwide, MS may affect 2.5 million individuals.

Did you know that Children can also develop MS ?? I was even surprised by this fact.

Pediatric (Childhood) MS
Families with multiple sclerosis can be reassured that the risk of their children acquiring MS at any age is low, varying from about 1 in 100 if an aunt or uncle has MS to approximately 1 in 40 if a parent has MS. This compares to a 1 in 750 chance of a child getting MS over a lifetime in the general population.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) historically has been viewed as an adult-onset disease and the majority of research and support programs have targeted adults. Since 1980, however, over 400 cases of childhood MS have been recorded in over 25 medical publications. Initial symptoms have been seen as early as 13 months old, with diagnosis as young as 2 years of age. Largely because of new technology, the numbers of children and adolescents diagnosed with MS are steadily growing.
An estimated 400,000 Americans have MS, and of these, 8-10,000 are children or adolescents. However, an additional 10-15,000 have experienced at least one symptom suggestive of MS. Some of these will go on to develop MS, although in most cases, they will not actually be diagnosed until they are adults. The advent of the MRI and other new ways of detecting MS lesions in the brain and spinal cord have resulted in numerous articles in the MS literature citing case after case of pediatric MS across the country. Because neurologists so rarely encounter childhood MS, diagnosis may be delayed or more difficult than for adult-onset disease.

You can read more about pediatric MS at

Keep reading there's more.


Welcome to the Mid America Chapter's online store. This is a great way to support the Society and get something to show off in return! Let people see that you are a vital part of the fight against this devastating disease. Make a safe & secure online purchase today!
Click here to place your order!

MS Bands of Hope - child & adult sizes for $1 each. Give them to friends, co-workers, donors or anyone interested in raising awareness about MS. Bands are available in quantities of 5 and you can order up to 50 bands at a time.

MS Ribbons of Hope - $1 each, $10 for a minimum order of 10. As the prism ribbon seems to change color, it symbolizes the unpredictable, life-altering affects MS has on people's lives. We hope people will wear their ribbon often.

MS Ribbon of Hope car magnets - $5 each. Show your support for the fight against MS on your car, truck or SUV.
"Vintage" MS Walk & MS 150 apparel - (They're not used, just old!) We can't guarantee a year or design, but we do have a variety of sizes. T-shirts $2 each, Men's tank tops $5 each, cycling shorts $10 each, windbreakers are $20, and Polo-style shirts are $10 each.

MS 150 Water Bottle - $5 each. Use them for your training rides, walking work-outs and more.
Click on the link below to place your order. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800 FIGHT MS (1-800-344-4867) and press 2 or
Click here to place your order with the Mid America Chapter Online Store.
Now you can look fabulous and support a great cause with this exclusive, limited edition tank top. Women's Health magazine has created a super-cool and chic fitted tank top sold to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The tank multitasks just like we all do - wear it to work, the gym, or a night on the town and you'll be the envy of all who see it. We've only made 1,000 so snatch one up (available online only) for just $25.00. Did we mention it's for a good cause? 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of these style-savvy tanks will be donated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Click here to get this must-have for fashion! They're offering you free shipping on all Women's Health tank tops. So sport a cool tank top, support a great cause, and do it all without paying a cent for shipping!

I would also like to say that each state has at least 1 Chapter. It you would prefer to order from a chapter in your state you can go to the NMMS web site at It's as easy as typing in your Zip code.

Still more to come....

Stoping MS one Blog at a time!

Check out some of these sites and get involved any way you can. If you can't do anything here
Blog-it!! Pass the word.

Are you newly diagnosed with MS? Did a close friend or family member recently find out they had the disease? Are you looking for a way to get involved and make a difference in the fight right NOW? Here's the information you need:
To learn more about the disease, maintain your physical & emotional health and stay independent, check out our Client Programs page.
To raise money that provides for our programs and research on a national & international level, participate in the MS Walk, MS Challenge Walk or MS 150 Bike Tour. The dollar you raise may be the one that finds the cure!
To give your time and talents to our determined fight, sign up to be a Mid America Chapter Volunteer.
To learn about the many ways to share your generous financial contributions, click here to Donate.
As always, call us at 1-800 FIGHT MS (1-800-344-4867) or email with any questions. We are here to offer help for today and hope for tomorrow!

Now I remember Why I stoped postting!!

I just spent about 30-40 minutes typing a post and then I decided to get some information and I saved my post( YEA RIGHT) then went about my busness of finding some web addresses. Low and behold. When I got back to my Blog I tried to recover the post and it was no where to be found!! Yeah so I'm pretty much tired of typing again. But I will still post this Web site, If you want to order some things to help support research to fine a cure for MS. Ok so I'm going to publish this just so I don't loose it but I will be back!