Birthstone for April. Kinda pretty huh?
Hey It's somebody's birthday. Someone very very Special. Yep just look at the headline under my name.
April will be 25 on the 1 of April. She was our little April fools baby. In the literal sense too. She was due to come into this world on May 7. Well that just wasn't good enough for her. No Way! She has been impatient little girl from day one. It all started about one week before she was to come. I was having a lot of pain and it wasn't contractions. My Dr did not know what to think. He put me in the hospital and there I sat day after day. They checked for gall bladder problems nothing. They did blood work, nothing. They had me on bed rest because it was too early. So I laid there frequently having this pain that no one could explain. Then about the fourth day there my blood pressure went up. More concern still no answers. I mean I was doing nothing to cause that to happen. I was joking to my mom on the phone that most of the family had been up at one time or another, but my brother Brad. So I told my mom that I was going to call him up the next day (April 1) And tell him that I had a baby. HA Ha Ha good joke huh? Well the joke was on me. That morning the Dr. Came to see me and my pain was worse and my blood pressure was up to some thing like 225/190 it was way up there. The nurse came in to put an IV in me and the next thing I knew they were taking it out again and telling me that I was going to Grand Forks by ambulance. I have never even seen the inside of an ambulance! I have to say I was scared. Dwight was called and we discussed a few things like him coming in the car and would be there later.
In the ambulance I was with an OB nurse (Shirley Uthke) We were about half way there and I told her I felt a contraction. She assured me that it was false labor. OK I could live with that. But it never stopped there.
by the time I got to the hospital I was told that it looked like we would be having a baby today. Well they broke my water to get things moving. I was worried about her coming too soon. Dwight and Carol my sister showed up around 7:30pm We sat and waited, and waited, it seem to be going so slow. They had me go in for a sonogram. Then I was back in my room and there were at least 5 different doctors and interns hanging around. Around 9:00 it was noted that Aprils heart beats were getting lower then what they like to see.
So it was decided that I would have a C-section. What!!! I never saw that coming. Well by 9:30 pm April was born. I was kind of out of it. I don't think I even got to see her until the next day. WOW She was so tiny!! 3lbs 3 oz. Yep that was all she weighed. 18 inches long. Not bad for her weight. She was so beautiful. Perfect little round head, and best of all was that they told us she was perfectly normal. Had all her fingers and toes. A little bit of red hair. Me on the other hand I was all blotted fluid had built up in my body. My feet even giggled like jello when I walked it felt so weird. The next day Dr Greeves from DL was in Grand Forks for another reason and came in to see me. He said he didn't even recognize me because of all the puffiness in my face and every where else. The biggest surprise came when the Drs. Said I could go home 5 days later and April would come with me! We were no way even close to being set up for a baby. Dwight had to go home and get things ready He had to go shopping for baby clothes in the toy department. Babies and dolls are just not made the same way most of what we found didn't fit right we did find some things but she looked like we were carrying a bunch of blankets when we took her out. Even her grandma who worked in the nursery at the hospital for 20 years was afraid to pick her up. She looked so fragile but the truth was she was very wiry and learned quickly. Well I guess that's already more than April would like me to share but I thought some of her friends would enjoy the story. By the way the Dr, told me later that he was doing some research on pre-eclampscia Which is what I
had. He said in the last book that he read on the last page, the last paragraph, and last sentence it sad may cause pain in the abdominal area. That's what was throwing him off. He had never seen that symptom in a pregnancy. Well I'm tired and I'm not sure I'm making any sense any more, I hope you all enjoyed the story.
Thanks mom! I love you too! I can't believe you couldn't find clothes small enough and you had to buy doll clothes... I still don't believe you. But it makes for a fun story. I can't imagine how a 3lb 3oz baby looks like. Yay for me living! Couldn't have done it without you! hahaha and dad too I suppose :)
Thanks for birthing me!
Wow! April was in a hurry to come into this world! That makes for quite a story! Scary, but oh how memorable!
3 lbs 3 oz?!?!? Who would have thought she would be so tall today!
I was skinny, but I was really long.
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