Monday, March 27

Putting a counter on your blog

I was thinking of starting with some thing I found to be very easy and I also know a good site that I like. The do attach adds to their counters but they are harmless adds and so far I have not had any problems with it, plus there is such a large variety of counters. When you go to the site, Register and Browse through all the thousands of choices. When you have found the one you like they will ask you to copy the html code. Make sure to book mark the site and write down your user name( your email address) and password. Now for the scary part.

Go to your dashboard and click on to the change setting icon. It will take you to a page that has four choices. Click on to the one that says Template This is where all the html codes are found. It kind of looks like a foreign language with some English and a bunch of characters thrown in to confuse. But each and every one have a propose. I don't know what they all are yet, but when I do I will pass it on to you.

Where do you put that code? I have found that most of the template changes will be done in the middle of the template or below. To place your counter where mine is you must scroll down to an area where you will see ...

OK I found my first snag in doing this can not put html codes in the compose area and nothing shows up here when you put it on the html part. Well I guess this is going to take more thought.

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