Saturday, March 18

OMG What the hell have I done now!!

Well first of all I really screwed up. I'm not sure where it started. I was so proud of all the cool things I was doing and all of a sudden every thing went crazy. I had posts that were showing up on my side bar in big bold letters. Then the posts where going all the way across the blog covering both side. So tried to fix it. Bad idea. I thought I knew what I was doing but guess what I was wrong. I lost the largest post I ever have written. It was about my Symptoms. Yup It's gone. Off into blogger space. Never to be seen again. Just like the socks that disappear in the drier. So if you didn't read it before you, you never will. Cause there is no way I'm going to type another post that large. I guess I may try to get some of my bling back. What have I got to loose? Oh yeah my sanity.

1 comment:

April said...

ah.. bummer. Liz read your post about MS and she really appreciated you sharing your story. She even linked to your site for others to read. Darn Blogger, stealing your posts like that! If you ever feel motivated enough, you can write it again, I'm sure people will like to read your story.