Tuesday, May 30

My weekend.

This is me playing with the camera and a pair of glasses used to see the red line of a laser level, what do you think? Does it Look like I was on Mars or Pretty?

Dwight working hard as usual. We got the dock in, it really sucked with just the two of us doing it. Of course he did most of it by himself. Until he dropped the last one in the water cuz it was too heavy! But he can never wait for some more muscular help. He thinks us two old farts can still do it by ourselves!

Something strange is happening to one of the trees at the lake. I think it's called a beaver!
What do you think?

My niece Mariah graduated from HS this week end. Such a proud moment!


April said...


April said...

oh, and that doesn't look like a beaver thing... that looks like a person playing with an ax.. but if it IS a beaver, thats way cool, maybe you'll be able to get a pic of the beaver!